Discrimination: The Shadow over School

来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lostbridge
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  I Feel Excluded
  In January, a post on a Chinese online community “Douban” drove the users’ attentions, in which the writer mourned herself and wrote, “Meet racism, AGAIN. Want to die.”
  The young poster, “Nonsense”, is a female oversea student who lives in St. Louis America. She’s been bullied and threatened in a high school because of her Asian face ever since she arrived.
  The bullies included not only some cheer leader girls, but also the son of the dean, who took her as a target and threw baseball on her. She felt badly hurt and sent posts online in her mother language. Right after this post, she also wrote a poem titled ‘The fifth wheel’ on her online journal, which described a girl who sank herself into a bathtub, and said, “Never see the hope of life”.
  The average age of Douban users is about 20. Most of them are between 19 to 26, who were born or living in major Chinese cities. Concerning this girl’s state of mind, many users expressed their comfort by replying her post. What deserving additional attention is: lots of people descried their own experience of racism in oversea schools. The variety of situations and frequency of racism issues surprise the poster herself.
  These young people who left messages were or are studying abroad, most in America, Britain and Canada. One said he once had been threatened and was attacked by a hydraulic giant; one said she was all alone and had been excluded by any kind of groups at school; one even said his black classmate laughed at the sexual ability of Asian men in front of his face. Normally, male posters suggested fighting back with words or even physical actions, while female posters discussed more about methods of ‘fitting in’. They advised the girl to restrain herself. “Bully is common in American schools. Study harder and enter a first-class college where you’ll meet better people. Eventually everything will be fine.”
  Meanwhile, on the other side of the earth, 17-year-old Gastar who is of Filipino descent also has a trouble. Although has been living in Australia since she was born there, sometimes she still feels excluded.
  From time to time, her peers tell her to go back to where she came from, and call her racist names or mimic an Asian accent. “The worst part is that they don't even know the difference between Filipino culture and the rest of Asia. They just throw stupid stereotypes at me and it sucks. Luckily it's not everyone in my class and it's not every day, just when someone feels like being mean.   “My mum tells me to be proud of Filipino heritage, but it's not easy when kids are teasing you about it. They know I'm Asian just by looking at me. I just want to fit in.” Gaster says what hurts the most is being told to go home, “I don't get it. I am home. Australia is where I was born and I don't know any other life. When they say that, it makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere.”
  Racism Never Left Schools
  With the society developing, slavery and racial segregation were abolished decades ago. Our material life is getting more and more prosperous. While in spiritual life, however, the shadow of racism never fades. Although many countries legislate against discrimination based on race to protect human rights of different racial groups, racism cases still happened frequently, which become serious problems even in schools.
  According to a study of Harvard University in 2008, in US Schools, the phenomenon that minority students are segregated from white students are getting worse. Most of white students choose to attend schools in which there are more than 80% of whites. Meanwhile, in the schools that blacks and Latinos attend, black students take a part of 53% while Latinos take 55%. Since students of different races attend segregated schools and rarely communicate, the researchers are concerned that they may not be able to get used to the diverse society after graduation.
  In Britain, a BBC report reveals that nearly 88,000 racist incidents were recorded in Britain's schools between 2007 and 2011. These cases of racist bullying includes name calling and physical abuse. The government said the data were recorded by teachers when incidents happened. Compared with the record of 2007, racism cases have increased by 10% in average by years since 2007, even though the government lowered the judging standard of racism behavior.   In Australia, according to a report on racism of Foundation for Young Australians, 70% of Australian secondary students admitted that they had some form of racism experience on an occasional basis.
  For the majority, this racism occurred at school including being called offensive slang names, being the target of racist jokes or stereotyping, and feeling excluded or left out are simply caused by their race.
  “Younger children aren’t as likely to hold racist attitudes. They recognize race, but that does not influent the children in choosing friends.” said Ben Waterhouse, a senior project officer.
  “When you're 15, you're developing your identity and trying to figure out who you are. Race can play a big role in whether people are included or excluded from their peer groups. Most young people just want to fit in. Adolescence is a time in their lives when their friends have a big influence on their actions and their opinions. Unfortunately this can result in racist attitudes and stereotyping.”
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