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  手机,MP3,音乐已经成为了很多人生活中不可缺少的东西。这一期的Life Talk我们一起来聊聊身边的这些东西吧。
  Part One
  Jenny: Hey Matt! Glad I ①bumped into you. I need some advice.
  Matt: Sure Jenny, what can I help you with?
  Jenny: I’m going to buy a new mobile phone, and I’m not sure what kind to get. What do you look for in a mobile?
  Matt: Well, a lot of things.
  Jenny: Such as?
  Matt: Well first, I look at brands. ②I’m kind of partial to Sony Ericsson myself, but other people swear by Nokia or Samsung, or some of the homegrown Chinese ones, like Lenovo.
  Jenny: OK, well ③I don’t have a preference there. What else?
  Matt: Well then it depends on what I’m going to use it for.
  Jenny: It’s a phone. What else would you use it for except making calls?
  Matt: Ah, but they’re so much more than just a phone these days. They’ve got built in digital cameras, video cameras, voice recording, and Internet connections. You can read your e-mail on phones now.
  Jenny: So how do you choose?
  Matt: Well I wanted one that takes videos, and of course still photos. I’m not so interested in being able to read my e-mail all the time. So what do you look for in a phone, Jenny?
  Jenny: Well, I want a model that has lots of different covers, so I can change how it looks whenever my mood changes.
  Matt: Yeahwhat else?
  Jenny: And it should fit in the little pocket inside my purse.
  Matt: And ?
  Jenny: And look cool when I’m using it.
  Matt: OK, well, I guess you have different priorities than I.
  Jenny: Well, I did, but now you’ve made me think I haven’t really been making good choices before, so I’m going to think a lot more about what I want before I buy this time.
  Smart Sentences
  ①bumped into (you) 碰巧遇见(你)
  bump的原意是“碰、撞”,该词组就与它的原意有关。“碰”本身带有意外性,所以如果你“碰”到一个人,当然不会是事先计划好去“碰”的。因此,bump into sb.正是无预见性地遇上某人的意思(meet sb. unexpectedly)。如:I bumped into Bill with his new girlfriend at the AMC theatre last Saturday.
  ②I'm kind of partial to 我有点偏爱
  关于partial一词,作为形容词,中国学生不太熟悉的其中一个词义是“偏爱的,特别喜欢的”,它通常与to搭配,后跟名词。如:He is too partial to tea.
  ③I have a preference 我比较喜欢
  preference一词指偏爱之物。Have a preference for/to sth. 指对某事/某物,或做某事有偏好,认为它更好(would like to have/do somethings. rather than others),注意:for后跟名词;to后跟动词。如:I have a preference for fruit that are very juicy and with no seeds.
  Know More
  全球定位系统 GPS (Global Positioning System)
  移动梦网 Monternet(Mobile+Internet)
  短信服务SMS(Short Message Service)
  彩信服务 MMS(Multimedia Message Service)
  客户身份识别卡 SIM卡(Subscriber Identity Module)
  全球移动通信系统 GSM (Global System For Mobile Communications)
  无线应用协议 WAP:(Wireless Application Protocol )
  码多分址CDMA:(Code Division Multiple Access)
  储值卡 pre-paid phone card
  直板手机 bar phone
  翻盖手机 clamshell phone / flip phone
  滑盖手机 slide phone
  翻盖接听 flip answer
  任意键应答 any key answer
  短信 short message, text message
  图片短信 picture message
  手机铃音 mobile phone ring tone
  彩铃Color Ring Back Tone
  彩屏 color screen
  振动 vibrate
  手机实名制 mobile phone identification policy
  双向收费 two-way charging scheme
  限制呼叫 fixed dial
  呼出通话 outgoing call
  被叫通话 incoming call
  近来的呼叫 recent call
  呼叫转移 call divert
  未接电话 missed call
  已接电话 received call
  不在服务区 out of reach
  漫游 roaming
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