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  This band doesn’t have a normal name, but the four guys of Hoobastank are normal . They have normal lives, they do normal things, and they have the same sense of humor as their fans. That’s why Hoobastank connect with them. Their songs have that intangible1 ability to speak for things that normal kids think and feel.
  Well, they’re not completely normal, everyday guys. Their first album went platinum2 thanks to the hit singles Crawling in the Dark and Running Away. But with their second album, The Reason, it shows that they’re songwriters of uncommon talent, with a broader paletteof songs, moods, and emotions than their self-titled debut .
  Formed in the mid 1990s in the Los Angeles suburb , while the quartet was still in high school, Hoobastank has since grown into a song writing machine. There’s plenty of hard rock on The Reason, from Just One to Same Direction. As for the softer side, there’s the sweeping grandeur of the title track. They also recorded a version of Rod Stewart’s Do You Think I’m Sexy, which didn’t make the record. “It’s not something we want to be known for, but we’re holding it for something good. Maybe for the sequel3.”
  It hasn’t been all fun, however. In August 2003, the guys were riding miniature4 motorcycles in Myrtle Beach. Estrin, who bought the bike that day, was going about 10 miles an hour when he ran into a chest-high rope and hit his head on the pavement. It didn’t look that bad at first. He got up, got back on the tour bus, but it was obvious that it was getting worse, so they went to the hospital. Estrin had a tiny skull5 fracture6, with a blood clot7 forming underneath it. If it hadn’t been removed that night he could have died.
  The guitarist calmly explains, “It wasn’t a real motorcycle accident. It was such a joke, but it freaked me out that it was something so serious.It didn’t slow him down too much though. “I’ve realized that I’m one of those people that can’t wait for things to be handed to me. When I was injured, I should have been resting and getting better, but I was working just as hard as I would have if I had been fine. Aside from canceling a few dates, I kept working.” So in less than a month, it was back to normal, because the music is the reason they do everything else.

  这位吉他手平静地解释说 :“这不是一起真正的摩托车事故,这只是个玩笑。但我真的吓坏了,这么简单的事情有可能带来如此严重的后果。”这起事故并没有使他放慢脚步。他说 :“我发觉自己是那种不能等到事情找上头来的人。受伤后,本应该休息,但我仍然像健康时一样拼命工作。除了取消了几个约会外,我一直在工作。”因此在不到一个月的时间内,乐队又恢复了正常工作。这是因为音乐才是他们做其他事情的本因。
  伊织 摘译自 Entertainment
  The Reason /理由
  I’m not a perfect person 我并不完美
  As many things I wish I didn’t do真希望没有那些过往
  But I continue learning但是我仍在努力
  I never meant to do thosethings to you我从未刻意那样对你
  And so I have to say before I go所以在我离去之前必须对你说
  That I just want you to know我只是想要你知道
  I’ve found a reason for me我为自己找到了一个理由
  To change who I used to be去改变过去的自己
  A reason to start over new并且开始新的生活
  And the reason is you这个理由就是你
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