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  In 1968 I was “surfing1” TV channels when I caught the closing credits of a PBS telecast called “Funny Business”. I had long wanted to get into the cartooning business, but had no idea where to begin. I copied down the address and wrote to the host of the show, Jack Cassady, asking for his professional advice.
  A few weeks later I got an encouraging letter, in his own handwriting, answering all my questions about drawing materials and requirements for submission2. He went on to warn me that there would be a lot of rejections at first. on’t get discouraged!” he warned. Jack went further, saying that my sample cartoons were good and worthy of publication.
  I got excited and sent in some of my best work to two nationally known magazines. My reward was the receipt of two form rejection letters, so I gave it up as a bad job and forgot about any further attempts at cartooning.
  19 years later I was shocked to get a second letter—out of the blue—from Jack Cassady. It read as follows:
  Dear Scott,
  I was reviewing my “Funny Business” mail file when I ran across you letter and copies of your cartoons. I remember answering your letter. The reason I’m dropping this note is to again encourage you to submit your ideas to various publications. Sometimes encouragement in the funny business of graphic3 humor is hard to come by. I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing. I wish you lots of luck, sales, and good drawing.
  I hadn’t even thanked him for that first letter! Again, I dragged out my art brushes and set to work on the sample strips now known as “Dilbert”. It finally caught on.
  As “Dilbert” became more successful, I came to appreciate the enormity4 of Jack’s simple act of kindness. I did eventually thank my friend, but I could never shake the feeling that I had been given a gift that simply was too big to ever pay back.
  How can you ever return or repay a kindness like that? Just reach out to some person who is in position to use your encouragement, and pass it on. There’s no such thing as a small and great act of kindness in the world.

  尹玉生 摘译自 Positive Thinking
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