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  “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  Michael Viscardi, 17, San Diego
  Few high school students go gaga1over math, but Michael used what is typically one of the toughest subjects to win the prestigious2 Siemens Westinghouse science competition last December. He grabbed top honors and scored a $100 000 scholarship, which he’ll be using to study math at Harvard this fall, by creating a theorem3that illustrates how heat travels across a metal surface. That may sound like Greek to some, but Michael’s work might have practical uses that could improve construction, astronomy and airplane engineering. “Most kids don’t realize that math is something very beautiful and elegant and fun,” he says, “it has applications where you would least expect it.”

  May Lan Dong, 18, Cambridge, Mass
  Though she’s well-traveled, May hadn’t much thought to visiting the African nation of Guinea until 2004, when she took a trip there with her dad, Mitchell, who was building an alumina1 refinery2 in Sangaredi. The poor quality of life was an eye-opener. “I saw towns with no electricity, no running water, a literacy3 rate of 36 percent,” May says. “I thought, ‘what can I do’” Between hosting slide presentations for her classmates” parents back home in hopes of rounding up contributions and appealing to her father’s business contacts for investments, May raised $50 000 for several relief projects. She created Operation West Africa, an organization that helped build a girls” dormitory at a vocational4 school by paying to refurbish5 a dilapidated6 building, and she gave books and supplies to a local high school with donations from U.S. schools and libraries. For her efforts, she recieved a 2005 Young Adult National Caring Award . “I didn’t know how big this was going to become,” says May, who had played lacrosse7 and soccer until a knee injury temporarily sidelined8 her in 2004. “At first, I was like, ‘who am I now?” because I was an athlete. Then I realized I could surge my passion for sports into something different.

I heard a bird sing  In the dark of December.  A magical thing  And sweet to remember,  “We are nearer to spring  Than we were in September, ”  I heard a bird sing  In the dark of December.    夜半十二月, 
马耳他位于地中海中部,有“地中海心脏”之称,面积316平方千米,是闻名世界的旅游胜地,被誉为“欧洲的乡村”。全国由马耳他岛、戈佐、科米诺、科米诺托和菲尔夫拉岛五个小岛组成,其中马耳他岛面积最大,有245平方千米。    Iwas lost again. I’ve been here times, and yet I confess that I spend much of my time in M
Find out with this test devised by Dr Raj Persaud of the Maudsley Hospital, London. Consider the fol-lowing statements:  你有多现实?下面这个由伦敦莫斯里医院的拉吉·佩尔绍德医生设计的测试有助于你发现这一点。    1. No truly successful person in
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人们现在常常会感慨真情难寻,其实感动人的并不是什么惊天动地的壮举,一束娇艳的鲜花,一句短小的话语,或许就会温暖他人的心扉。不要忽视身边的一件小事,也不要吝惜一句问候的话语,只要你付出了,感动就在你身边。    Fresh flowers are such a lovely thing of beauty.Ialways pick a bouquet1 or a single perfect ros
骑脚踏车对于一个正常人来说并不是一件难事,但对于只有一条腿的残疾人而言,参加150英里的骑车比赛,难度就可想而知了。是什么支撑着她踏上如此艰难的赛程?除了对他人的爱心和对慈善事业的支持,更重要的是对自己充满信心。有了这份信心和希望,就没有到达不了的终点。    When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago, I didn’t think my
There was a merchantwho sent his servant to the market to buy provisions1, and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said,“Master, just now when I was in the marketplace I
风靡全球的漫画人物呆伯特,道出了上班族的心声,也宣泄了员工不满的情绪,美国读者更视呆伯特为工程师的代言人。而让大家看了能会心一笑的漫画的创作者却是个拥有MBA硕士学位的工程师,那么他是如何走上画漫画的道路的呢?他在遇到挫折泄气的时候受到谁的鼓舞而坚持下来并最终获得成功的呢?且听听作者怎么说。    In 1968 I was “surfing1” TV channels when I caught
一句赞美改变一生。赞美是激励的驱动器,使人心情愉悦,思维活跃,在愉悦中探究的灵感会迸出火花。    It seems to me that all writers, including those who deserve to be classified as geniuses, need encouragement, particularly in their early years. I al
“己所不欲,勿施于人。”下面来看看法斯特莱德市长是如何教训那些官僚的。    “Ladies and gentlemen,” Mayor Fastlad opened his inaugural1 speech, when a secretary at the exit waved at him. “Excuse me,” he said, leaving his seat and walking