On the direction of spiritA brief discussion on the interior design of the Pu Pu Lan Bookstore

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  With the continuous development of science and technology and the world economy,knowledge is becoming more and more important to us.But the bookstore is getting more and more alienated from people.There are many bookstores in the market,and the competition is increasingly fierce.They are more steady and rigid,and now some people tend to read electronic books.Pu Pulan's book house was born through the rational collocation of colors and the re combination of bookshelves,a book house with emotional appeal,hierarchy and spiritual enjoyment.
  The bookstore is a colorful world,and the color has a profound influence on the people in the environment.This article tries to apply the design of color and flow in the space design of the book house,which makes the book and the environment integrated,people first,the people and the book house in harmony,and bring a leisure and leisure to the people.At the same time,the design of the book house will take the leisure room,the electronic information room,the chat room as one of the fashionable books,let people swim in the sea of knowledge,and soar in the temple of knowledge.
  The bright and clear colors can be transmitted to the brain neurons through the optic nerve,thus contributing to the development of human intelligence.Children who live in harmonious colors are more creative than those in the ordinary environment.If it is often in a depressed environment,it will affect the development of brain neurons and reduce intelligence.So Pu Lan bookstore will create a creative reading environment for children.At the same time,it also creates a place for busy people to grow knowledge and create an exchange club for those who love books.The acceleration of the urban process has made people's demands on the consumption environment constantly changing.Knowledge has become the biggest capital for people to survive and develop,and the input of individual and family in learning and education is increasing gradually.At the same time,with the growth of economic income,the input of family to children's education cost is also increasing rapidly.Parents are the most important teachers and responsible persons for children,so children's interest in reading will surely affect their parents' attention.
  In the light of the hobby of reading,the time in the bookstore is always in a hurry and is deeply attracted by a book named "the beauty of the bookstore".The article tells about the major cities of the world that the author has gone through in the past twenty years,and has refined a bookstore which is rich in different tastes in various places.The author was attracted by those bookstores of different styles and immersed in them.Dream of the future can also swim,feel the various kinds of books to give different feelings,the blend of the essence of each bookstore,which leads to the theme of today - the spirit of the direction.)Although there is a clear design of regional division,each region can not fully display its functionality,and there is a certain degree of space waste.In order to increase its functionality,the plan was revised repeatedly before it was determined.The acceleration of the urban process has made people's demands on the consumption environment constantly changing.Knowledge has become the biggest capital for people to survive and develop,and the input of individual and family in learning and education is increasing gradually.At the same time,with the growth of economic income,the input of family to children's education cost is also increasing rapidly.Parents are the most important teachers and responsible persons for children,so children's interest in reading will surely affect their parents' attention.   In the light of the hobby of reading,the time in the bookstore is always in a hurry and is deeply attracted by a book named "the beauty of the bookstore".The article tells about the major cities of the world that the author has gone through in the past twenty years,and has refined a bookstore which is rich in different tastes in various places.The author was attracted by those bookstores of different styles and immersed in them.In the future,you can walk away,feel the different feelings of various books,and combine the essence of each bookstore,which leads to the theme of today - the spiritual orientation has a clear design on the division of the region,but the areas can not fully display its functionality,and there is a certain degree of space.Fee.In order to increase its functionality,the plan was revised repeatedly before it was determined.
  In the whole space,the focus of the design is embodied in the details of the processing,adding a variety of design elements,breaking the traditional design of the dull and rigid,into more modern people's life.Heavy red,ink green and walnut color,these high saturated colors will always make the bedroom appear heavy,and in the cool white,gray and other asexual colors of the foil,miraculously let the space more an amazing feeling,not only with a distinct oriental charm,but also a visual spot in the living room and Exhibition space.
  High angle to reflect the harmonious beauty of color,occasionally with strong hue,such as dark red + green,orange + deep blue,deep yellow + deep red + pure black and so on the most impossible to match the combination of color,which can often win a good result.In this scheme,this kind of collision will appear with the finishing touch.
  The design of the overall color matching,most of the wall with white latex paint mainly,some interesting elements and wall combination,such as ancient wood,give a natural harmony of the beauty,such as the feeling of nature.Use the full color and exquisite details to set off the atmosphere.The top surface should be rid of the cumbersome structure.
摘 要:战略管理是现代公司管理的新阶段,对于一个公司的发展壮大有着至关重要作用,在国内外企业得到了实际应用。在港口的机械行业中,A公司是世界知名的生产厂家,目前标准化轮胎吊的数量不多,根据A公司 “十三五”规划,公司正在继续深化标准化轮胎吊的产品结构调整。本文运用公司战略管理的理论,通过相关方法,对A公司标准化轮胎吊的产品进行分析、选择、评价,并对战略实施进行阐述。  关键词:战略管理;标准化;轮
摘 要:中国目前养老服务的社会化还处于一个起步阶段,仍然以传统的家庭养老模式为主,但传统家庭养老在如今的社会发展形势下已经很难跟上时代的步伐,甚至可能成为阻碍社会发展的绊脚石,因此探索出一套适合新形势下的社区养老模式是解决中国未来养老问题的关键。本文以英国的社区照顾基本模式为参照,在对其全面系统的梳理后对我国的社区养老模式的发展提出了借鉴性的建议。  关键词:社区照顾;养老模式;借鉴  一、英国社
摘 要:随着我国社会经济的日趋发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们的出行方式也日趋改变。汽车走入了寻常百姓的生活,使出行变得更加便捷高效,但随之而来的是居高不下的交通肇事,使之成为了群众安全出行的一大隐患。交通肇事罪作为我国刑法的一项重要罪名,刑法第133条规定:交通肇事罪是指违反交通运输管理法规,因而发生重大事故,致人重伤、死亡或者使公私财产遭受重大损失的行为。本文从司法实践需要出发,结合各学者的观点
摘 要:现代山水画装饰性的风格特点与古代写实绘画发生了很大变化,在视觉语言、色彩张力方面更注重装饰效果。其装饰性语言同时也有了更进一步的发展,最重要的是中国山水画于表现形式方面的创新,积极吸收和借鉴别的画种的笔墨形式和构图方法等。现代水墨山水画的装饰性不仅体现在题材和构图方面,在画面的笔墨和肌理等方面也具有一定的装饰性特征。  关键词:近现代山水画;笔墨;构图;色彩;装饰表现  一、近现代山水画题
摘 要:芭蕾基训课程教学,对每一位舞者而言都至关重要,被称为舞蹈的“奠基之石”。只有通过芭蕾基训的磨练,才能获得舞者所需的柔韧性和能力等,通过对芭蕾基本动作“开、绷、直、立”等严格的要求,才能充分掌握动作的要领。在芭蕾基训教学中,舞蹈教师作为直接传授知识的载体,对学生起着至关重要的作用。笔者针对现阶段芭蕾基训教学过程中的不足之处,予以分析,并提出相应的解决办法,认为舞蹈教师只有从自身做起,不断充实
摘 要:拥有悠久历史的中国古代幕府制度,在历经千年的淘洗之后逐渐演变为清代的“幕友制度”。清代刑名幕友“非官非民”的特殊身份,为他们的工作带来很多方便的同时也为他们施展才华提供了舞台,但尽管如此,他们也自有难言的苦衷与无奈而始终不能在朝为官,施展抱负。但其独特的社会地位、经济地位、法律地位无不彰显着来自于官员的礼遇和百姓的敬仰,并对中华法律文化画上了浓墨重彩的一笔。  关键词:清代;地位;刑名幕友
摘 要:针对企业在物流仓储作业过程中出现的仓库库位安排不合理导致拣货作业效率低等现象进行研究,提出利用EIQ分析法来解决这一问题,从而使得企业在物流作业过程中的作业效率得到极大的提高,同时某零售业配送中心为例分析,最后还提出了相关的拣货策略和建议,给相关企业提供一种应用参考。  关键词:EIQ分析法;物流配送中心;  一、引言  现今物流行业的发展尤其迅速,相关企业也对于物流进货、配货越来越重视,
摘 要:正当化事由是否定意义上的定罪,是犯罪论的不可或缺的内容。正当化事由也是争论性很大的问题,大陆法系、英美法系和我国刑法从对其概念、称谓的界定到其之所以正当、不负刑事责任的根据、再到正当化事由的分类都有着各种各样不同的答案。因此,以比较的角度,去研究大陆法系和我国刑法关于正当化事由不同的规定和理论界定,对我国以后刑法中正当化事由的概念的准确把握有重要的意义。  关键词:排除犯罪性事由;违法性阻
摘 要:本文介绍了基于Abaqus的参数化优化设计方法。以偏心管的截面积优化为例,介绍了此方法的基本思想和关键步骤。给出了包括目标函数、强度约束条件和几何约束条件在内的优化模型及对应计算方法。证明了基于Abaqus的参数化优化设计方法的可行性。  关键词:Abaqus;有限元;参数化;优化设计  1.引言  本文介绍的偏心管是一种石油装备,工作在油层之下,是传感器的载体。它两端连接油管,本身有油管