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  Say You, Say Me — General Opinions
  Not too long ago, people only shopped online for rare 1)collectables, and hard-to-find books. Today they turn to the web for everything from dresses to 2)diapers to
  3)deodorant, all delivered directly to their door.
  Customer A: I like shopping online ’cause it’s easy and you just don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.
  Customer B: The main reason I buy things online is to save time, so I don’t have to get dressed, get in the car, get my kids packed or get a sitter.
  Customer C: It’s just really makes my life a little bit more easier, which…who doesn’t want that?
  Filling the birth of the online shopping boom were 4)steep sells. 5)E-tailer’s trying to 6)lure customers away from the mall by offering 7)drastic discounts.
  Customer D: They’ll have these promotions. If you buy it online, then it will be cheaper.
  Online retail sales now top 100 billion dollars annually and continue to grow nearly four times faster than sales at traditional 8)retailers. But their strategies have changed. Instead of cutting prices to the bone today, you see a lot of the E-tailers competing on service levels and customer service, things that make it easier for you to simply make a purchase with the click of a mouse and not have to worry thereafter.
  Unfolding the Truth…
  The Wall Street Journal recently compared shopping for basic items online to the stores, and they found that the Internet rarely saves you money and can sometimes even be more expensive, meaning doing your homework is more important than ever.
  Sales are the great 9)equalizer and you often see 10)promotional flyers 11)dangling in-store prices as being better than online, and conversely you can often
  find online prices that beat the brick and 12)mortar stores. So you really just have to shop around.
  ★ Words from Professional
  Matt: Donna Rosato is a writer for Money magazine who’s looked into whether online shopping really saves you cash. Donna, good morning, nice to have you here.
  Donna: Great to be here.
  Matt: Before we talk about dollars and cents, it…used to be it was all about electronics and travel, that’s why people went online. Now it’s everything.
  Donna: It is everything. Actually last year for first time in history, people bought more clothing online than computers.
  Matt: So I mean, it’s…it’s anything you want, you can find online - the question is - can you find it cheaper? And you did some comparison shopping. Some household items and then some food. Let’s start with the household items.

  Donna: What we found in
  general is that, if you’re gonna be shopping online, you’re actually probably not gonna find a better deal for household goods. For example, if you look at this Scott 8 pack of paper towels, I went to several online websites
  and I couldn’t even find the option of having an 8 pack. Then I went to my local Wal-Mart, and not only did I find it, I found it about two dollars cheaper than I found it when I was shopping at some of the online sites.
  Matt: So there goes the myth of saving money online.
  Donna: That’s right.
  Matt: What about some of the other products?
  Donna: Well, we have the Irish Spring soap, it was…
  I went to my local drug store, it was $2.49, and I went online, it was the exact same price online, but I would have paid a $5 shipping fee. So…
  Matt: All right, food. Al is a big fan of buying
  everything online. I need to look at the meat and smell the fish and things like that. What did you find when you compared online to in 13)grocery store shopping?
  Donna: Food was interesting. Food was about exactly the same price, as you know, online, as it was in the store. I did find cottage cheese at one place slightly cheaper than my local store, but I still had to pay a shipping fee, and a shipping fee can be anywhere from five dollars to ten dollars, so you’re always paying more. So you pay for that convenience.
  Matt: And people say, you know, it’s Okay for a little convenience, it’s worth the extra money. How would you argue with that?
  Donna: You can’t argue with that. Though I will say you have to keep in mind that if you’re
  going to order things online, it doesn’t always come perfectly. Sometimes the food leaks, sometimes it’s not what you order, so it can be convenient, but there can be 14)snag… some 15)glitches as well.
  Matt: The best way to research the best deals, you have some websites that you like a lot. And you’ve got DEALTIME.COM, TECHBARGAINS.COM. You like OVERSTOCK.com. One of your tips is to actually get the lowest price online,
  then go to the brick and mortar store, and get them to match the price.
  Donna: That’s right. You can negotiate anything. And you can even negotiate, if you find a good deal online, most especially is the large chain stores, they’re gonna want you be their customer, so print out that deal that you found, bring it into the store, and you can probably get a good deal.
  Matt: And why is it often a good idea to buy it online and pick it up at the store?
  Donna: If you buy it online, and pick it up at the store, you can save the shipping fee, which is usually the big 16)drawback to shopping online, that you always have to pay a shipping fee. The bigger…the bigger the item, the more you are going to pay in shipping.
  Matt: You say always use a credit card and do research, boy, that’s important, make sure you know what company you’re
  dealing with.
  Donna: That’s right, that’s right.
  Matt: Donna, thanks so much for the
  Donna: Thanks.

  ★ 专家的话
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相信很多人都曾在吃饭时被母亲唠叨:“慢点吃!”你不一定试过毫无节制地暴饮暴食,争当“大胃王”,却肯定曾为身材和健康忧心。无论吃多吃少,最重要的是吃得健康,因为有些事情还是不能随意效仿的哦!以下就是一例:  听力小提示:本文为原声材料,其中女声部分带有口音,语句亦有不符合规范的用法。适用于训练听力,但不适宜模仿。    Eat slowly! Chew your food thoroughly! E
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