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  欧·亨利(1862-1910),美国短篇小说家,真名为威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter)。其作品构思独特,情节曲折,语言诙谐,结局往往出人意料。
  At Denver注1 there was an 1)influx of passengers into the 2)coaches on the 3)eastbound B. & M. express. In one coach there sat a very pretty young woman dressed in 4)elegant taste and surrounded by all the 5)luxurious comforts of an experienced traveler. Among the newcomers were two young men, one of handsome presence with a bold, frank 6)countenance and manner; the other a 7)ruffled, 8)glum-faced person, heavily built and roughly dressed. The two were 9)handcuffed together.
  As they passed down the 10)aisle of the coach, the only 11)vacant seat offered was a 12)reversed one facing the attractive young woman. Here the linked couple seated themselves. The young woman’s glance fell upon them with a distant, 13)swift disinterest; then, with a lovely smile brightening her countenance and a tender pink 14)tingeing her rounded cheeks, she held out a little gray-gloved hand. When she spoke her voice, full, sweet, and 15)deliberate, proclaimed that its owner was 16)accustomed to speak and be heard.
  “Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me speak first, I suppose I must. Don’t you ever recognize old friends when you meet them in the West?”
  The younger man 17)roused himself sharply at the sound of her voice, seemed to struggle with a slight embarrassment which he threw off 18)instantly, and then 19)clasped her fingers with his left hand.
  “It’s Miss Fairchild,”he said, with a smile. “I’ll ask you to excuse the other hand; it’s 20)engaged just at present.”
  He slightly raised his right hand, 21)bound at the wrist by the shining ?2)bracelet?to the left one of his companion. The glad look in the girl’s eyes slowly changed to a 23)bewildered horror. The glow faded from her cheeks. Easton, with a little laugh, as if amused, was about to speak again when the other 24)forestalled him. The glum-faced man had been watching the girl’s countenance with 25)veiled glances from his 26)keen eyes.
  “You’ll excuse me for speaking, miss, but, I see you 27)are acquainted with the 28)marshal here. If you’ll ask him to speak a word for me when we get to the 29)pen he’ll do it, and it’ll make things easier for me there. He’s taking me to Leavenworth prison. It’s seven years for 30)counterfeiting.”

  “Oh!”said the girl, with a deep breath and returning color. “So that is what you are doing out here? A marshal!”
  “My dear Miss Fairchild,”said Easton, calmly, “I had to do something. Money has a way of taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in Washington. I saw this 31)opening in the West, and ?well, a marshalship isn’t quite as high a position as that of 32)ambassador, but —”
  “The ambassador,”said the girl, warmly, “doesn’t call any more. He needn’t ever have done so. You ought to know that. And so now you are one of these 33)dashing Western heroes, and you ride and shoot and go into all kinds of dangers. That’s different from the Washington life.”The girl’s eyes went back, widening a little, to rest upon the 34)glittering handcuffs.
  “Don’t you worry about them, miss,”said the other man. “All marshals handcuff themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting away. Mr. Easton knows his business.”
  “W ill we see you again soon in Washington?”asked the girl.
  “Not soon, I think,”said Easton. “My butterfly days注2 are over, I fear.”
  “I love the West,?said the girl 35)irrelevantly. Her eyes were shining softly. She looked away out the car window. She began to speak truly and without the 36)gloss of style and manner: “Mamma and I spent the summer in Denver. She went home a week ago because father was slightly ill. I could live and be happy in the West. I think the air here 37)agrees with me. Money isn’t everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid—”
  “Say, Mr. Marshal,”38)growled the glum-faced man. “This isn’t quite fair. I’m needing a drink, and haven’t had a smoke all day. Haven’t you talked long enough? Take me in the smoker now, won’t you??The bound travelers rose to their feet, Easton with the same slow smile on his face.
  “I can’t deny a 39)petition for tobacco,”he said, lightly. “It’s the one friend of the unfortunate. Good-bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you know.”He held out his hand for a farewell.
  “It’s too bad you are not going East,”she said, 40)reclothing herself with manner and style. “But you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose?”
  “Yes,?”aid Easton, “I must go on to Leavenworth.”The two men sidled down the aisle into the smoker.
  The two passengers in a seat near by had heard most of the conversation. Said one of them: “That marshal’s a good sort of 41)chap. Some of these Western fellows are all right.”
  “Pretty young to hold an office like that, isn’t he?”asked the other.
  “Young!”exclaimed the first speaker,“why-Oh! Didn’t you 42)catch on? Say -did you ever know an officer to handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?”

  丹佛车站,乘客们如潮水般涌进往东去的B. & M.长途直达快车。其中一个车厢中坐着一位十分美丽的年轻女子,其衣着优雅,随身带着一个经验丰富的旅行者应具备的所有奢华品。刚上车的乘客里有两位年轻人,一个仪容英俊,举止果敢坦率;另一个衣衫粗陋的大块头则显得烦躁不安,脸色阴沉。两人被手铐铐在一起。
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