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  This vacation my brother and I planned to visit South Africa for adventure. We met at the airport in 1)Johannesburg which is the most 2)populous city in South Africa. It is also the wealthiest 3)metropolis in the country because of its large-scale gold and diamond trade. We settled down at a hostel, making plans for the next few days.
  On the early morning of the second day we were going on 4)safari to the Kruger National Park. About the size of Israel, Kruger Park is the greatest national park in South Africa which attracts a great number of visitors intent on drinking in the wilderness. On guided walks, drives or unguided drives, visitors have the best chance of spotting the “Big Five”-elephants, lions, leopards, 5)rhinos and 6)buffalos in the park.
  We were going on a four-day safari. Our guide was called “Yogi,”and seemed very nice. On the way the scenery is mostly flat farmland and not particularly interesting. However, this changed once we reached the 7)Drakensberg 8)escarpment where Kruger National Park is located. In this region there is some really beautiful and dramatic scenery. Yogi gave us the history of the place and I took a lot of pictures. The next stop was in a valley with high mountains and a waterfall. It was obviously a popular tourist stop because there were plenty of woodcarving sellers here. Most of them were pretty 9)aggressive in their efforts to sell something. It was good to hear though that even middle aged women in South Africa are getting further educated, because all of them talked about needing “money for school.”
  On the short way to the camp we saw several 10)impalas and 11)zebras. The weather was cloudy and therefore it was perfect for game viewing. We saw a group of lions already within the first half hour. Unfortunately, they were lying behind some trees and were partly covered by the branches, but it was still very exciting. Something quite different from our past safari experience was that this one included a walking safari which 12)enabled us to have a closer look at the amazing wildlife. We had seen lots of animals and were very happy with everything. While we were sitting and waiting for dinner to get ready, suddenly a 13)hyena walked slowly by the other side of the fence looking hungrily at us. It was surprising! The hyena was so much bigger than I had expected and it was easy to understand why it was an animal worth fearing! Later in the evening it came by again and looked at us. We could hear a lot of animal sounds, some far away and some very close. During dinner everybody suddenly froze, as there was a very loud roar right outside the camp. We were sure that it was a lion but Yogi said it was an elephant. He told us to be quiet and follow him to the fence. It was so exciting!
  On the last day of the safari, we had a stop at the “Three Rondavels”to see the wonderful view and the strangely shaped mountains there. The trip back to 14)Pretoria, the official capital of South Africa, was smooth. Do you know that South Africa is the only country in the world that has three capitals? Besides Pretoria, 15)Bloemfontein is its 16)judicial capital and Cape Town is the 17)legislative capital. The Republic of South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. South Africa is a very racially 18)diverse nation. We didn’t feel as much 19)intimidated in such a multicultural country as in other parts of Africa, where there are only few white people. The economy of South Africa is the largest and best developed on the continent, with a modern 20)infrastructure common throughout the country.
  Before flying to Cape Town we spent one more day in Pretoria, checking out various things of interest. The centre of Pretoria is pretty nice and it seemed perfectly safe to walk around during daytime. There are lots of other people there during business hours, but as in other South African cities, when the clock is close to five, most people go home and the town looks 21)deserted. However, on many corners there were guards hired by the city to assist people who might need help, especially tourists. I liked that arrangement, which made me feel safer.
  The next day we got up early to catch the plane to the beautiful Cape Town. No visit to Cape Town is complete without a trip up Table Mountain ?home to some of South Africa’s most 22)breathtaking views. Table Mountain is a famous landmark and tourist attraction in Cape Town, with many visitors using the 23)cableway to take a ride to the top. The mountain is named for its flat top which is often covered by cloud, forming the 襱able cloth.?The shape of the mountain provided a 24)dramatic setting for the 25)sprawling city. I would say the scenery on the top of the mountain was one of our lasting memories of South Africa.
  26)Strolling and 27)haggling at the 28)flea market certainly helped to make us feel at home. We came to fully appreciate why Cape Town is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Despite our limited time here, we did manage to visit the famed Cape of Good Hope. The Cape is popularly known as the 29)junction of the cold Atlantic Ocean and the warm Indian Ocean. We were 30)overwhelmed by the 31)startling spectacles of the contrasting waters on either side of Cape Point ?the east side a peaceful 32)bluish-green while the west, a rich blue 33)hue with magnificent waves. More cheer when I 34)descended from the other side of the Cape to the glorious beach below where 35)thunderous waves drummed off sky-high from the rocks, often inducing a rainbow in the process.
  South Africa is often referred to as “The Rainbow Nation”because of its multicultural diversity. The country will be the host nation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. It will be the first time the 36)tournament is held in Africa. We can’t wait to return by then!



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