A Strategic Research on Improving Middle School Students’Listening Abilities

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  【Abstract】Listening is a life skill that is often developed during early childhood.it is one of the most important life skills that helps people become effective communicators for the rest of their lives.Listening ranks first among are the four basic skills that English learners in middle school should develop. The improvement of middle school students’ listening ability is very helpful to the development of their abilities. However, the training of listening has not been placed in its proper position in traditional teaching for a long time and hence listening has long been a weak point. Many students think that listening is one of the most difficult things in English study. As the development of students’ listening ability has become the demand of middle school’s New English Curriculum Standard, nowadays the training of listening has drawn unprecedented attention than before. How to increase the students’ ability in listening and how to improve students’ listening comprehension in the examination has been the common concern of many English teachers’. this thesis tries to probe into middle school students’ problems into listening and to seek solutions for these problems so as to improve their listening ability.
  【Key words】middle school students; English listening; Strategies
  Listening is important in personal lives, daily activities and a career and employment environment. Many top employers spend money to ensure that their employees are able to effectively listen. They provide seminars, classes and training sessions that are geared toward helping employees learn how to listen better in various situations. This does not simply involve the input of information into the ears but allows employees to better interpret what they have heard when someone else is speaking.
  As technology advances and trade and exchanges between countries increase , it is becoming more and more important to spoken English in many situation as face- to- face, English play a more and more important role in modern society under reform and opening policy.
  During the course of teaching English in middle school listening is one important skill needed to be taught. if you want to examine your own communication behavior, you would probably find that you spend more time in listening than speaking, reading and writing. But most of us are likely to be far from effective as listeners even if we hear satisfactorily. Why does it happen? It is because few of us have had much training in listening of the four communication skills. Far more hours of study have focused on reading and writing than on speaking and listening.They would improve the balanced development of various language ability.   Ⅱ. Current Situation
  Theaters:English teaching in the middle school most often used traditional method of translating-writing and the grammar teaching structure..Most students can only read and write, not listen and speak, Many people want to learn English well, but they are lack of chance to communicate with native speaker.
  Students:there are many reasons effect Students’ listening skill,such as:listeners’ poor phonetic knowledge,listeners’ poor vocabulary,poor Background knowledge,poor Listening skills and lack of teaching materials, both with print materials and audio or video tapes, lack of equipment(tape players, VCRs, VCDs, computer) in some schools. Meanwhile Language is an integral part of culture. It has had special difficulties for Chinese to learn Western languages. When people learn a language, should learn Background knowledge fristly.
  Enviroment:we all know,learning a knowledge need language environment.but we have no good English leaning environment in Middle school of China now。People become aware of psychological factors nowadays. They have found that in the whole process of learning a foreign language.
  III. Strategies to Improve Students’ English Listening Comprehension
  3.1 Improve basic knowledge of pronunciation,vocabulary and background knowledge
  Even at the beginning of language learning some students are not sure of the proper pronunciation of each word.In order to improve our listening ability and enlarge our own vocabulary we should memorize the words through the context of the readings. Meanwhile we should also learn some word —building knowledge to extend the vocabulary.
  Students who want to learn English well must have certain knowledge about history language and culture.Learn about English country‘s local conditions and customs, their living style and habits. In English class, teachers should also tell them some culture and history background of America.
  3.2 Improve teacher’ quality in middle school
  English teachers’ quality has great impact on students’ spoken English, but now their spoken English is lagging behind because the English exam isn’t included listening in middle school. The traditional teaching ways make the students be very good at “deaf and mute English”.some of the students will be the future English teachers, maybe they will still teach their students spoken English in the traditional teaching methods. If a teacher’s spoken English is not very well, how can he help his students to improve their spoken English? The quality of English teachers is the key in English teaching which impact directly on the English quality of students. As English teachers we should firstly continually strive to improve our quality in order to adapt to the modern English teaching better.   3.3 Improve students confident and interest in listening
  We all know that interest is the most active factor in learning. So cultivating students’ interest on learning English is a good idea.. In order to do this, the writer sum up the following:
  Firstly, Choose humour, variety, interesting and comparatively easy materials when choosing listening materials.Once students find they can understand some part of the materials, they will have a feeling of harvest so that they would have more interest in training of interesting.Secondly,Lower the degree of difficulty and chose training styles. Finally,Students are required to form a good habit of listening.Choose some fixed time every week to listen to the radio or tapes. Teachers should inform student how to use listening laboratory properly to form a foundation for long-period standarized listening training.
  3.4 Motivate students to practice much listening
  Practice after listening is the deep stage of listening comprehension. Teachers should take advantage of listening class and make full use of class time, solve some main problems and digest the main content of listening books. But this is not enough. Teachers should also choice some other listening materials and let them finish out of class, but these materials must be limited in amount.
  3.5 Create a good listening environment
  In class,teachers play a leading role while students are the principle characters. Teachers’ explanation should be limited and simple and their interpretation should not take much time. Some difficult points should be left for students to solve by themselves.
  IV. Conclusion
  English Listening is of significance to English learners. Middle school students are at the entrance of learning English. It is essential for them to lay a solid foundation. Suitable listening strategies can help enhance listening ability.Due to various factors, the concept of listening strategy is far from being taken seriously. And the outcomes concerning this field are relatively unsatisfying. Therefore, it is of importance for this paper to study listening strategy cultivation for middle school students.In general, listening strategy cultivation in this paper has practical meaning for middle school students. Although the paper has some shortages, the author hopes it is useful for cultivation of English listening strategy for p middle school students, thus improving their listening comprehension ability.
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值日报告是由学生在每节课开始所做的3-5分钟的简短报告,通常不限内容和范围。其耗时短,不会占用太多教师授课时间,不影响教学进度,旨在以学生为中心锻炼其听力和口语表达能力,因此,越来越多的英语教师选择将值日报告融入到课堂教学中去。  一、理论基础  1.“以学生为中心”的教学模式。新形势下的大学英语教学已逐渐摒弃传统教学模式,开始强调英语语言的应用技能、学生学习策略以及多模式教学。过去,大部分公共英
【摘要】调研发现,《新目标》英语课程改革主要出现四个方面的问题,即教学目标的虚化、教学内容的泛化、教学过程的形式化、教学手段的不合理;学生的学习状态出现了三个方面的问题,即两极分化严重、学习心理负担重和心理健康问题严重。为此,笔者建议,改变学习方式、改变教师角色、正确看待“差生”以及更新观念,注重反思等措施。  【关键词】新目标英语 课程改革问题 学习状态 改革对策  引言  《新目标英语》这套教
【摘要】目前由于新疆少数民族英语专业大学毕业生个人就业观念仍不能适应市场经济的要求、专业技能的缺乏与个人综合素质与市场要求不符等原因,导致新疆少数民族英语专业大学毕业生就业率呈下降趋势。因此,必须重新审视新疆高等教育扩招政策,进一步完善就业指导与培训工作。  【关键词】少数民族 英语专业 大学生就业 调查  改革开放以来,新疆少数民族大学生从校园走向社会的形式也经历了沧桑巨变。少数民族大学生就业经
【摘要】为了让学生能够产生英语学习的积极性,使学生能够轻松快乐地进行英语的学习,教师要采用有效的方法对学生进行指导和点拨。教师在教学中要通过游戏的方式来激发学生英语学习的兴趣,并夯实学生的基础;引导学生坚持阅读,借助多媒体的帮助来活跃课堂氛围;采用任务型的教学方式来使学生在课堂上有的放矢。教师不断地变化教学方式,丰富课堂形式,会给学生带来轻松、愉快的学习气氛,增加学生英语学习的主动性。  【关键词
【摘要】在新课标下,教学中的每项课程都在走着新式教育的路子。高中英语也同样面临着新型改革的挑战,从统一模式的授课过程转变为分层次教学模式。在以后的教学模式中,我们要实施并构建属于高中英语的分层次教学方法。  【关键词】高中英语 分层次教学 实施  在高中教学过程中,英语成了学生必不可少的一门课程。许多学生因接触英语的时间较短而跟不上学习进度,久而久之,越发不爱学习英语,从此英语的学习成绩一落千丈!