The Development And Application of Computer Simulation

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  (湖南人文科技學院,湖南 娄底 417000)
  【Abstract】:Computer simulation has been widely used in recent 20 year, especially in manufacturing industry, which can be used to reduce loss and cost, increase pofit and the quality of the products, mainly deployed in CAE softwares, the development and applications of simulation are summaried, the expected future of simulation are also viewed.
  【Key words】: Computer; Simulation; CAE
  Development of Simulation
  CAE is short for Computer Aided Engineering, mainly used for solve complicated engineering problems, including structural strength, severity, yield strength, dynamic response and so on, as summary, it is a process of using computer softwares and programs to resolve real problems in life.
  CAE softwares which are installed in computer is the basement of calculation. Mainly, these kinds of softwares could be divided into two categories, the one that concentrates on the specific engineering problems, like property analysis, prediction, and optimizing, which could be defined as specific softwares, another sort of softwares are mainly general softwares, which could basicly do analysis to all the common issues, like medchanical analysis, fluid analysis and electromagnetic analysis.
  FEA(Finite Element Analysis) is the basement mathematical method for CAE analysis. The core thought of FEA is make the continuum discretized. Using finite elements to respresent complicated object or process. Below is the image1, which shows the elements discretized phenomenon.
  The joints among different elements are conjunctions, which are also the paths of computation process. And the results are based on the mathematical formulas, which may be called for thousands of times. After the completion of approximate weight, which means the calculation process is also completed.
  The whole calculation process could be divided into 3, which respectively called the pretreatment, the calculation and the aftertreatment. Commonly, 40%-50% of the time is used for the input of the models and data establishing process. 50%-55% of time is used for the analysis of the results. While only 5% of the time left for the calculation. For that, if no correct input and data established, the calculation will also loss the value. The afterteatment process also occupied a big part due to the direct reflection of the result. The pressure nephogram, velocity nephogram and other important outcomes could be directly viewd by this process. The result data also could be derived, and could be used in other calculation softwares like matlab.   CAE was first used in 1960’s, and a development more than 50 years until now, the theory and algorithm went through from the very beginning to mature. And has naturally became the best way for the computational simulation engineering process, widele used in a lot of aspects including aviation, maritime, civil structure and so on. CAE is also a very important part of engineering full scale process including CAD, CAE and CAM.
  Software Induction
  Many softwares are commonly used in this field, here are several typical examples.
  Ansys, combined with mechanical, fluid, and electromagnetic analysis, could be defined the earliest software used in simulation field. Ansys also take the biggest market share during the past several dacades. What Ansys respresent is the most advanced computer simulation standard, especially in universities and colleagues.
  Abaqus, mainly used in mechanical field, including Abaqus standard and Abaqus explicit, regarding to different models, Abaqus also created small functions to tackle. Abaqus is widely viewed as the most useful tool for FEA.
  Hyperworks, which is viewed as the most powerful pretreatment software, also do include a calculation model, which is called Altair Hypermesh, a lot of useful aspects are like MotionView, HyperGraph, HyperForm.
  In comprision, the softwares mentions above all get respective characters, and basicly they do have connections. The models in different softwares could be transferred, which can make the users more convenient.
  Future Prediction
  The usage of CAE softwares have been a common issue. Computational process will always be under development, several points need our focus.
  1.The conjuction within different softwares. After the models created in CAD software, the models could be transferred into these CAE softwares without any fix, under that do the models could give a precise side condition.
  2.A more powerful mesh handling ability. The elements creation process could be defined the most inportant part. Without what could finally induces the bad and wrong result comptation. And always, the meshing process may take the longest time duration.
  3.Liner calculation to unliner calculation, with the development of the thoery and computer technology, liner calculation can not satisfy the damand of the engineering. While the unliner calculation theory was widely use. Abaqus is specially good for the FEM calculation.   4.A single strcuture domain to coupling domian calculation. FEM was earliest used in aerospace field only for structures. With time goes by, for example, even the aerospace outline structure are influenced by the inner mechanical staff and the air. So the coupling calculation between the structure and fulid is of great importance.
  5.Users experience, for any software, without a great user experience, hard to use, is bound to be abandoned by all.
  Computer simulation will make a bigger difference in the future, will obviously become increasing useful in every aspects. The related softwares combined with the advanced computers will make the technology under a essential improvement.
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