“Inspire Confidence,Stav ReleVant”

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  (Continued from the last issue )However,I did not feel I had made the right choiceand the next time I saw her I apologized.She said to me I had done nothing wrongand said “it''s not your fault teacher, it''smy fault my English is too poor.”But Istill insisted that I had made a mistake.Yes, I had corrected her, but at what cost?The experience obviously embarrassedher, and her peers by the third time sherepeated the word incorrectly had beenshaking their heads. She may have leftthe classroom being able to pronounce theword correctly but what about the damageto her confidence? I thought about it forliterally hours. I feared that perhaps nexttime she might not want to stand up, orshout out the answer in class in case shemight be humiliated again. In her mindit was her own incompetence but for me it was my ownignorance.
  I realized after that class that I did not want my studentsto learn through embarrassment or fear, the same wayI don''t think a parent should teach a child not to dosomething by hitting them. I wanted my students toenjoy speaking and that they shout out the answerhoping they are right not sit quietly for fear they mightbe wrong. That''s why now if a student shouts out a wronganswer I don''t just say “no” but I might say“that''s a greatanswer! But just not to this question! Do you have anyother great ideas?”Inspiring confidence in your studentsis what will ultimately lead them to pursuing andachieving their goals. It''s not about playing games butabout disguising learning, and I use the same methodsin my writing classes. When I correct students'' writtenassignments I will mark sections I think are excellentwith comments such as“great!” or “amazing!” and if Ido have some suggestions I put them under the heading“points for improvement”instead of “wrong” or“bad”.All these little things just say to our students“I''m proudof you and I want you to do better”, and who doesn''trespond to that?
  Stay relevant
  However, it was not the only learning experience at myfirst post at a Chinese university, another one provedhumiliating but this time for me and not the student. Wewere discussing superstars and one boy asked me“do youknow who the world''s most beautiful girl is?”I repliedno.“Fu Rong''s sister.”he said. His classmates burst intolaughter but I stood near the blackboard confused. Isaid“So Fu Rong is a person and her sister is beautiful?”The boy said that I should check online and I will seebut when I did I found out the person was called “FuRong JieJie”and was not a beauty at all but a slightlyoverweight woman who''s misguided confidence makesher believe she can dance. I sat at my desk knowing I''dbeen tricked by my student but it was another importantlesson for me as a teacher, one that is now the basis ofmany successful classes.   The incident made me realize that using things theyknow was the perfect way to inspire them to speak. Itmay seem simple but the fact of the matter is that mostlearning materials for English are out-dated, especiallytext books. They often talk about events or people thathave long been forgotten or words that are now out ofuse. So armed with the passion to make my class relevantfor my class I collected a list of names from differentstudents about which people were popular at the time(I still use the same list today apart from a few newadditions like Tiger Mother and Li Gang) and wrote themall down on small pieces of card. I then used“white-tac”which is essentially a sticky kind of rubber which youcan use to stick posters on the wall but instead I used itto stick the pieces of card on the head of each student. I''dseen the idea before of putting names of famous stars onthe back of each student but I thought it was silly to haveto keep turning around and the idea that the answer isLITERALLY right in front of then made it all the moreentertaining! From then I always made sure I kept upwith what student like whether it be movies, music oreven superstars.
  If you can make English or any other subject for thatmatter, seem relevant to students'' lives, then they arepassionate to talk about it because it''s what they talkabout after class with their friends or dorm-mates. Oncelanguage seems useful and relevant it becomes moreof a skill than a chore, and students want to be able tospeak about the things they love. When I was in schoolFrench and Italian did not seem relevant, they seemeddemanding. Once I graduated and went out into theworld and only used them to talk about the things Iwanted to talk about I found 1 loved talking both Frenchand Italian. It''s the same for Chinese students. WhenI plan my classes I normally plan thinking "wouldI have liked to do this in my Italian class or would Ihave felt embarrassed to speak?" I''ve learned to notsimply concentrate on the knowledge but concentrateon fostering the interest and passion of the studentsto pursue that knowledge. To make my students pushthemselves to new limits and to not be afraid to have atry. From my time in China I''ve learned that students arethe biggest source of knowledge and that they seem tohave taught me more than I have taught them.I''ll finish with a story. Once a student noticed the pictureon my phone wallpaper at the end of our class and saidshe wanted to see it so she came and said to me“teacherteacher let me looka looka”. “Looka looka" proved to bea direct translation of看看(Kankan) meaning to have alook and it''s now one of my favourite Chenglish phrasesof all time. Sometimes correcting every little mistake cankill all the fun.
我国的癌症发病率在过去30年增长了80%,癌症已成为我国因疾病死亡的第一大死因。  癌症的发生是多因素的,主要有内在因素和物理化学生物因素。内在因素:神经与精神因素、内分泌因素、遗传因素和肌体的自然防御机制;物理因素(X射线等),化学因素(腌制食品中的亚硝酸钠),生物因素(寄生虫与病毒)。但癌症的发病机制都是基因功能紊乱造成的。  对癌症的理论研究有助于我们认识癌症发病的原因、过程,从而找到相关诊
大学就像一个泡菜坛子,长期的浸泡、熏陶是促进学生成长的必需。  陕西师范大学作为教育部直属的6所师范院校之一,是国家培养高等院校、中等学校师资、教育管理干部和其他高级专门人才的重要基地,被誉为西北地区“教师的摇篮”。近年来,陕西师范大学积极开展国际学术交流与合作,设有西北地区唯一的“国务院侨办华文教育基地”,先后与美国、英国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、韩国、越南、香港等国家和地区
DaVid把研修班看作是了解全球问题的机会,更重要的是研修班可以很方便地了解不同国家的政府官员对某些全球问题的不同思考方式和看法。  “也许因为我是最早到达北京注册的学员,我很荣幸被选为班长。”这位一班之长,肯尼亚外交部礼宾司司长David,就是学员们口中的“总结先生”。  “我刚一注册,便被要求准备一个发言,在第二天的开班仪式上发言。之后,在课堂上,我总是作为班长在课程结束时,代表全班感谢授课老
克诺斯邦公司(Kronospan)在俄罗斯有很大的商业计划,包括创建东欧最大的刨花板工厂和新的中密度纤维板(MDF)工厂。据该公司称,克诺斯邦公司(Kronospan)计划通过推出新的投资项目并完成现有项目,大幅加速其今年在俄罗斯的扩张。  作为这些计划的一部分,克诺斯邦公司打算完成其现有刨花板工厂的扩建,该工厂位于巴什科尔托斯坦共和国(Bashkortostan Republic)的乌法市(Uf
自2006年7月第一期成功举办以来,研修班已成功举办8期,来自亚、非、拉80个发展中国家的271位官员参加了培训,研修班已成为国际间智力交流和人才培养的新模式,发展中国家之间交流合作的重要平台。  今年夏天,位于鸟巢、水立方附近的北京外国专家大厦又迎来了一批外国客人,他们的身份有点特殊——亚非拉国家的政府官员。他们不是前来参加国际会议,也不是与中国政府领导人会面,而是来中国学习取经,参加“发展中国
我国的GDP总量去年已经超过日本,跃居世界第二位。但GDP仅大还不行,还要强。如何才能做到强,很重要一点是人才。  我国的GDP总量去年已经超过日本,跃居世界第二位。对此,我们应该有清醒认识。一是我国人均GDP依然很少。1990年我国人均排在世界第105位,2008年是106位,2010年是127位。二是构成不尽合理。房地产占的比重很大,出口产品中,纺织品、玩具占的比例很大。很多现代化产品,虽然在
“我们在课堂上了解了中国的引智政策,并在企业中看到了外籍专家如何发挥作用。对于这样的课程与考察安排,我们非常感激。”  白皙的皮肤、浓黑的长发、深邃的眼睛,Rita在这个23人的研修班里非常醒目。  她热情地与同学们打招呼……她的热情、随和让人很难与她的工作单位——参议院联系起来。  Rita来自菲律宾参议院,“参议院有20多位参议员,我目前在参议院的农业委员会工作。”与她同期参加培训的还有一位来
大家可能已经了解到我在17岁的时候迎来了人生的一次重大改变,在之后的35年里面,我一直是微软公司的董事长。  这一人生经历与我早年的梦想有关。当年我的梦想是让大家都有电脑,并使之成为强大的沟通和学习工具。这一梦想看起来遥不可及。因为当时连我自己都很难获得电脑,不得不在晚上溜出去使用别人的电脑。而且那时的电脑特别贵,哪怕是生产电脑的人都觉得让每个人都拥有电脑的想法太愚蠢了  我们看到最开始电脑的价格
很多人进入金融领域是因为获得的薪水很高,但在金融领域获得的成就感可能不如在信息技术领域写一个程序,或者在医学领域发明一个疫苗的成就感。我们要做的是真正的创新,这些创新能够造福更多的人。  2011年6月11日,星期六上午。宁静的未名湖畔,“盖茨与北大学生面对面”正在热烈地进行。比尔·盖茨,这个曾经的世界首富,当今世界头号慈善家,带着一脸谦和,只身—人,在北大经济学院院长孙祁祥教授的主持下,与热切期
The results of the “2011 Amazing China - The Most Attractive Chinese Cities for Foreigners”surveywere recently released. The top-10 cities for foreigners are Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen,Wuhan