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  So you want to be a model? With the size zero debate putting the fashion industry under increased 2)scrutiny, we talk to a former model and find out that the pressures were little different 30 years ago. Patti Lawrence, now 47, was a top model and winner of the “Most Beautiful Legs in Britain” competition in 1981. She has had a lengthy struggle against eating disorders.
  Too heavy to be a model
  Problems first surfaced when Patti was 13. A boyfriend announced he was 3)going on a diet and would eat only bacon sandwiches. The
  4)waif-like Patti thought this was a good idea. Patti had already applied for a modeling course and been told that at her current weight, she would never be a model.
  “I don’t know how or why it happened, but almost at once I was 5)obsessed by food and stopped going out,” she told 6)NetDoctor. “I ate almost nothing. I have vivid memories of my anxious mother begging me to have a boiled egg, just for her. This went on from April till July, and then just as suddenly I was all right again.”
  Patti’s attitude about food remained normal and her modeling career took off. Soon she was modeling for Vogue and other top fashion magazines, and did catwalk work in London, Italy and France.
  Agency pressure
  At 5ft 5”, she was tiny for a model, but looked taller because of her long legs. Her agency told her that her skin was bad and that she would have to lose weight.
  “This had a reverse effect on me,” said Patti. “It made me eat more. I was always a strong person and resented being told what to do. I had no trouble resisting drugs, which were 7)rife in the lifestyle I was now in. Being told to reduce my weight really upset me. I went up to nine stone.”
  Effect of mother’s illness
  “Shortly after this, I returned to see my mother in Northern Ireland. She was ill and alone and had lost a lot of weight. I began to think she had been saving on food so that she could give me the money. When one of her friends looked at me and said: ‘You do look well,’ it was like thrusting a 8)dagger into me. I felt what she was really saying was that I was fat compared to my poor mother. I was overcome with guilt and shame. Food became a problem again. I was totally obsessed.”
  “I went from dieting to starving to over-eating. The amount of food I could eat was unbelievable.” Sometimes she couldn’t eat with other people or even eat at all; at other times she couldn’t stop bingeing.
  A constant pressure to be thinner
  Despite these habits, Patti managed to keep her weight at a steady seven-and-a-half to eight 9)stone while she was modeling. Still, there was constant pressure to be thinner. An Italian designer offered her work, but said she must be
  10)slimmer and have virtually no breasts. She became obsessive about exercising. “For me everything always becomes an obsession. When I did get to Milan, the designer still said I was too fat. He just wanted a coat hanger.”
  Turning point
  At the age of 34, Patti noticed that she was losing weight dramatically again, eventually weighing only four stone. Her husband took her away for a weekend break.
  “It was like some kind of horror story. I remember standing naked in front of the mirror in the hotel bathroom and thinking: ‘My God. How can anyone come to this?’ I was so thin, you would wonder how I could even stand up. I also had other symptoms of 11)anorexia—severe tiredness,
  12)palpitations and inappropriate hair growth. Gently my husband showed me a picture of myself when I won the Most Beautiful Legs competition in 1981. He said: ‘I want your legs like that again.’ That was the turning point.” says Patti.
  Patti realized she needed to rebuild her life. Despite severe 13)dyslexia, she qualified as a 14)psychotherapist and gained an honors degree.
  “I am a personal trainer and do classes on that, I also give classes in stress management, train models and arrange fashion shows for charities and give
  15)aerobic classes for the elderly,” she says. “Now I am happy and positive, and eat what I like. I would say if anyone who was as bad as me can get through this, then there is hope for all.”
  Patti Lawrence is now a healthy weight, has a good figure and loves her body. For more than ten years she has been eating what she likes and is convinced that her difficulties are behind her. She admits to real anger about the pressure on women to be thin.
  “Some women are never going to be slim,” she says. “They just don’t have thin bodies and there is nothing wrong with that. It was the pressure to be
  16)petite that started my problems and it is much, much worse now. We really need to do something about it.”



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