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  China—the oldest civilization on earth. A land founded on extraordinary customs and 1)ritual, celebrated in monuments without equal, preserved in thousands of years of learning, a country that is home to the greatest population on the planet—1.3 billion people, a nation that is set to become the world’s next superpower.
  It is now predicted that the Chinese economy will become the largest in the world in little more than 20 years. China already consumes more than one third of the world’s steel and almost half of the world’s concrete. In any single minute the Chinese nation now burns almost two and a half thousand tons of coal, 24 million watts of electricity and 210,000 gallons of crude oil.
  The greatest revolution has occurred in the cities. Song Feng came to Shanghai from the countryside almost a year ago. Here, he hoped to find wealth and success. Little did he know, he would end up doing one of the most 2)perilous jobs in the city.
  Song (via translator): It’s a really dangerous job. That’s the worst thing about it. The first time I stepped into the basket I was terrified that I would fall out. When you are lowered on the rope and you hit something, it’s really frightening. Now, my heart doesn’t race as much. Now, it’s just like standing on the ground.
  Already eight times the size of New York City, Shanghai is expanding every day. Investors are pouring more than $10 billion a year into this city, raising a skyline the equal of any in the world. In a population of over 20 million, over three million are 3)migrant workers like Song Feng. But it’s a 4)far cry from the small rural town where he grew up.
  Song: When I first came to Shanghai I felt completely lost. Shanghaiers tend to push outsiders away. Getting to know people here is difficult.
  And although he is earning more cash than he ever could at home, even as a window cleaner, Song Feng is still paying a high price for his months away.
  Song: The hardest thing is not seeing my daughter, who is just so 5)adorable. She only needs to smile to make me forget all the worries in my life.
  It’s evening 6)rush hour and window cleaner Song Feng is chasing his version of the Chinese dream.
  Song: I just want to buy a car. Any car will do. Loads of rich people started out with nothing. That could be me. I’d feel so proud if I was driving this car; I’d be a somebody. But there’s no way I can afford this car right now. I can’t even think about it.
  Shanghai has yet to deliver the fortune that Song Feng dreamed of when he first arrived here. And for now, he must save what little he earns to feed his young family far away.
  In Taizhou, far from Shanghai, Song Feng’s wife is still playing out a traditional woman’s role. She is 7)single-handedly cooking a 22-course New Year’s feast for her family. But as she cooks, Song Feng’s wife reveals that she also has her eye on greater things.
  Song’s Wife: My dream is to be a super woman. Nowadays, since the reforms, women can run their own businesses and make money for themselves.
  It seems that all China has been swept up in a storm of change, a 8)tempest of shifting values, of growing wealth, of new opportunities, a tempest that is reshaping the lives of every one of its 1.3 billion citizens. For some, there is now prosperity never seen before, while for others, wealth and success must still lie in the future. Whether or not every one of China’s citizens can ever realize their dreams, perhaps the difference in the new China is that everyone can now have one.





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