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  Host A: Winning a Nobel Prize comes with a number of 1)perks—a medal, of course, a Nobel diploma. There’s also a cash prize worth more than a million dollars. And finally, perhaps most importantly, there is the 2)cachet, a Nobel is a Nobel. We asked three past winners to tell us what difference the cash and the cachet made in their lives.
  Host A: Last year, I asked Orhan Pamuk, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006.
  Mr. Pamuk: It made my life more busier, but then, it made also me more responsible person because now that I have even more readers, I want to write even better, in a sense. That all the things that I have dreamt about, addressing new readers, publishing new books, having a communication with readers from Vietnam to, say, Argentina. Now I have all these readers, and it’s…it makes one so busy. But my love of literature is as alive as ever. A Nobel Prize was not a retirement pension for me. It just came in the middle of my career.
  奥尔罕·帕慕克(Orhan Pamuk)被认为是当代欧洲最核心的三位文学家之一,是享誉国际的土耳其文坛巨擘。瑞典文学院在颁奖公告中说,授予奥尔罕·帕慕克诺贝尔文学奖的理由是:“在追求他故乡忧郁的灵魂时,发现了文明之间的冲突和交错的新象征。”帕慕克的作品故事情节曲折,语言简洁而有诗意,是诺贝尔文学奖得主中作品为广大普通读者接受的作家。帕慕克的作品被翻译成40多种文字,并获得过众多国际著名文学奖,其中包括法国文学大奖、都柏林文学奖和德国、意大利等国的优秀文学奖。他的著名作品包括《白色城堡》、《黑书》、《新人生》和《我的名字叫红》等。
  Host B: Now, to a Nobel of a more recent 3)vintage. Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel Prize in economics last year for her analysis of economic 4)governance. Professor Ostrom, how’s the last year gone?
  Prof. Ostrom: Well, you have no warning of the heavy, heavy demands on you afterwards. It is a very great thrill to win a Nobel Prize, and I’m very, very appreciative. But I was not fully prepared for the amount of interest around the world. And I’m coping, but it’s been very intense. I’ve been receiving about 15 invitations a week, and I am no longer able to accept any talks during 2011. And the accumulation for 2012 is piling up, and I’m going to have to tackle that in another couple of weeks.
  Host B: Well, I have to ask, what did you do with the prize money?
  Prof. Ostrom: Oh, well. We have a very, very active research center here at Indiana University. And our foundation is very responsible, so I gave the full sum to the Indiana University Foundation as part of an5)endowment to support ongoing research.
  Host B: Here’s one thing I wonder. Winning a prize as huge and prestigious as the Nobel could, I guess, influence you in a number of different ways. Does it take a bit of the pressure off in terms of what you feel you still have to do?
  Prof. Ostrom: Oh, no. I wasn’t aiming to win a prize. And so winning it doesn’t take pressure off in terms of future research. Colleagues and I have been puzzling about a variety of key issues. It’s a big challenge, and we’re still working on that.
  埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)是美国印第安纳大学政治理论和政策分析中心主任之一、政治学教授,美国著名政治学家、政治经济学家、行政学家和政策分析学家,美国公共选择学派的创始人之一。埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆获2009年度诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰“她对经济治理的分析,尤其是对普通人经济治理活动的研究”。她是首位获诺贝尔经济学奖的女性。
  Host A: And finally, Martin Chalfie, who shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry two years ago. He’s a professor of biological science at Columbia University. And what difference did the Nobel make to you and to your work life?
  Prof. Chalfie: Well, it had several effects. The first was that I got invited to give a lot more interviews and a lot more talks. And the types of talks I’ve been asked to give have been, for the most part, not on the specifics of the research I’m doing now. But many times I’m invited to talk to more general audiences about scientific research, a little bit about the work that led to the Nobel.
  Host A: Well, were graduate students suddenly begging to be in your lab, beating down your door?
  Prof. Chalfie: No, just the opposite. And actually, some of my friends have remarked about this, too, is that the number of people that apply to the lab, certainly, doesn’t grow and may actually plummet. No one is quite sure why that is. Maybe they think that we’re going to be horribly 6)intimidating people. I’m not really sure what it is. I’m still looking for people in my lab.
  马丁·查尔菲(Martin Chalfie)是美国哥伦比亚大学生物学教授,他获奖的主要贡献在于向人们展示了绿色荧光蛋白作为发光的遗传标签的作用,这一技术被广泛运用于生理学和医学等领域。诺贝尔奖评审委员会说,这种蛋白已经成为同时代生物科学研究最重要的工具之一。
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