卡莉.菲奥丽娜:惠普前 CEO“涅槃”再高飞

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  Her Bio 辉煌之路
  Her name was Carly. She was a receptionist at DJ’s Hair Design. Well, once she was. That’s how she worked her way through Stanford and got a degree in medieval history. Then came UCLA Law School, where she quit after one semester.
  So, it was back to receptionist, this time at1)Marcus & Millichap. They encouraged her to reach a little higher and look into the business world, so she worked her way through an MBA followed by 20 years at 2)AT&T, then Lucent Technologies.
  One day her phone rang. A little company named Hewlett Packard was calling. Seems they’d become 3)lethargic and 4)stale, needed a 5)fireball.
  Carly Fiorina became the only woman to ever lead a 6)Fortune 20 company. While the rest of the tech world suffered through the 7)dot-com bust, Carly got things done. She “leaned” the company to profitability, and HP doubled in 8)revenues to 88 billion. Then she added jobs.
  Carly became one of the most recognizable business leaders in the world.
  Her Response 艰难之时
  Male Reporter: She took Hewlett Packard’s stock price down something like 60%, fired 18,000 people, she said, “I only regret I hadn’t fired more people faster.”
  Female Reporter A: …but she left with a, I think it was, a $40 million 9)golden parachute while 20,000 of her employees were laid off.
  Female Reporter B: Carly Fiorina, who walked away, when she left Hewlett Packard, with $45 million including a $21.5 million 10)severance package.
  Carly: Most people know me as, “Oh yeah, she was that lady who got fired at Hewlett Packard.” But then a…how a story ends has much to do with how it begins.
  And so I must begin with my mother and father, because it was my mother and father who taught me that personal 11)ethics are everything, that values matter, that character counts, that the toughest choices are made easier if you have a strong internal compass and you know which way it points.
  Values are what guide your behavior when no one’s watching and you don’t think anyone will ever find out.
  And one of the things, unfortunately, that I think about when I see scandals in the board room, led by some of the same people that led my ouster, when I see stories of backdating of 12)stock options and then I watch the 13)commentary immediately run to “What new rules shall we write? What new laws shall we devise?”, I think that sometimes what we ought to be talking about instead is: “Where is business judgment? Where is perspective? Where are personal ethics? Where are the people who are just gonna raise their hand and say ‘Stop, this isn’t right’?”
  And what I know for sure is that values and character and an internal compass come from in here, but it is also a leader’s job to set that tone at the top, which is why one of the toughest decisions that I have ever made as a leader is to fire people, not because they weren’t getting results, but because their values were not consistent with what we wanted to practice.
  In business, unfortunately, 14)abusive people with a lack of 15)integrity are frequently tolerated because they get results. And if you really want to convince an organization that values matter, you have to be prepared to act on that, because people watch the walk, they don’t listen to the talk. And so, therefore, you have to be prepared to say, “Yes, so-and-so is getting results, but guess what, the behavior, the values, are not what we believe in.”
  Her Rebirth 重生之势
  Interviewer: Carly Fiorina, her success in business is only part of the story: she’s also a giver.
  Carly: The One Woman Initiative recognizes women in difficult parts of the world who are making a positive difference. We’re focused on helping grass-roots women’s organizations. We’re helping them gain access to justice, we’re helping them gain leadership training, and we’re helping them get a chance at becoming 16)entrepreneurs.
  Interviewer: Here’s what she wants you to learn from her example.
  Carly: …that women can succeed in any profession, that for all of the people who perhaps stand in your way there are even more people who will give you a helping hand, and that business is a great place for women to make a difference in the world.
  Interviewer: If you were to die tomorrow, what would you want your 17)obituary to say, or what would you want your legacy to be?
  Carly: Well, you know, I battled cancer last year, and so when you battle cancer, you actually do think about your mortality. You do think about what you want your legacy to be, and I hope that people would say that I tried to make a positive difference every day of my life. That is what I think life is about: making a positive difference. I think that’s what leadership is about.
  Interviewer: Fiorina battled cancer and won. Now she’s taking that spirit and her leadership skills and battling Barbara Boxer for her Senate seat to represent California.
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