A Brief Analysis of Interlanguage

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  【Abstract】This paper makes a brief analysis on the interlanguage from the from the aspect of psycholinguistics, and it is hoped to be helpfu for the English teachers.
  【Key words】interlangage; psycholinguistics; transfer
  1. Introduction
  The method of comparing two whole languages of Constrastive Analysis (CA) yields only a partial picture of the second languaage (L2) learning. The focus should be on the learner’s own system as it develops closer towards the L2:“only by treating language learners’ language as a phenomenon to be studied in its own right can we hope to develop an understanding of the processes of second language acquisition” (Coder, 1978). As we shall see, in fact the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research often falls back on to the easier option of comparing the learner’s language with the native’s rather than adhering fully to the independent grammars assumption.
  2. Defition of Interlanguage
  “Interlanguage”, was the term introduced by Larry Selinker in 1972, and was widely accepted for the L2 learner’s independent language system (Cook, 2000). In other words, Interlanguage refers to the language system constructred by second language leaners on their way to the taget language. (Wang, 2009) That’s to say, the IL is a dynamic system, evolving over time. (Shen, 2009)
  3. The Psycholinguistical Aspects of Interlanguage
  Psycholnguistics is the study of the mental structures and processes involved in the acquisition and use of language. The study of psycholinguitic aspects of SLA has given rise to many acquisition models, such as the first language (L1) transfer, the role of consciousness, processing operations, and communication strategies.
  3.1 Positive Transfer and Negative Transfer from L1
  L1 transfer refers to the influence that the learners’ L1 exerts over the acquiisition of an L2. This influence is apparent in a number of ways. First, it is noted in error analysis, that the leamer’s LI is one of the sources of error in learner language. This influence is referred to as negative transfer. However, in some cases, the learners’ L1 can facilitate SLA. SVO syntactic structures are common in Chinese and English, so Chinese learners are much less likely to make syntactic errors than are Japanese learners. This type of effect is known as positive transfer.
  3.2 The Role of Consciousness in SLA
  Children seem to acquire their L1 without conscious effort. In contrast, L2 adult learners have to work hard and to study the language consciously. This comparison is not entirely accurate for L2 learners who are also capable of acquiring L2 in the same way as children’s LI A. The role of consciousness becomes one of the most controversial issues in SLA. Irrespective of whether learners learn implicitly or explicitly, it is widely accepted that they can acquire different kinds of knowledge. It is perhaps self-evident that all language users, including L2 learners, know rules that guide their performance without any awareness of what the rules consist of.
【摘要】英语词汇教学是外语教学中非常重要的环节。本文从国际课程的新理念出发,探索的国际课程中词汇课堂教学的主要内容,及运用新的教学理念,试着提出主要的可行的教学策略,其中较为重要的是展示阶段和巩固阶段的策略。  【关键词】英语词汇;课堂教学;国际课程  【作者简介】谭水池,湖南艺术职业学院。  一、词汇课堂教学的概述  如果说结构是语言的骨骼,词汇就是最重要的器官和血肉.没有一定的单词量,则无法理
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前言  初中英语是学生初中时期学习的重点科目,詞汇是学生进行英语学习的基础内容,教师在对学生进行词汇教学时,要知道它不仅与学生的发音有关系,同时也关系到学生对于词汇的理解以及记忆,这两部分也是学生在进行英语学习时的主要构成因素。目前,在进行初中英语教学时面临的主要现状就是学生在进行词汇学习时,发言和记忆存在困难。特别是对于一些偏远地区的学校,在进行英语词汇教学和学习的过程中,学生羞于发音,存在严重
【摘要】《魂归伤膝谷》讲述了19世纪后期,美国政府在安置苏族原住民进保留地采取的一系列措施以及双方打交道过程中发生的一些冲突和流血事件。原住民遭遇生存困境:土地逐步丧失,政治地位发生本质改变,传统文化失落。  【关键词】魂归伤膝谷;原住民;生存困境  【作者简介】李春蕾(1986-),女,山西五台人,宁夏工商职业技术学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向: 美国文学。  《魂归伤膝谷》取材于迪·布朗的同名历史
小学英语新课程标准中明确规定了对听、说、读、写等各方面的要求,并特别强调:侧重培养阅读能力,在巩固知识的同时促使知识转化为语言技能。阅读可以培养小学生对西方国家的英语文化有初步的认识和感知,拓宽自己的视野,还能培养小学生的英语语感。然目前英语阅读教学存在阅读气氛不够,阅读教材缺乏,阅读不被老师、家长重视等问题。基于此,笔者尝试从“阅读”到“悦读”,不断激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高他们的阅读能力。  一
【摘要】英语学科的核心素养主要由语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力四方面构成,但其中文化品格的培养常被忽视或弱化。本文着重探讨初中英语教学中,如何在课内外运用欧美文化元素培养学生学科核心素养之文化品格。  【关键词】欧美文化;初中英语;核心素养;文化品格  【作者简介】黄婉玲,厦门外国语学校石狮分校。  【基金项目】泉州市教育科学“十三五”规划(第一批)立项课题《欧美文化元素渗透初中英语课堂的
【摘要】美国著名翻译家尤金·阿尔伯特·奈达(Eugene Albert Nida)是现代翻译理论的重要奠基者之一。本文首先对奈达翻译理论进行了一定的分析和探讨,指出了本文的理论基础;其次,结合医学英语特征,通过举例说明奈达翻译理论在医学翻译时的应用;最后,阐明奈达翻译理论对医学翻译实践的现实指导意义。  【关键词】奈达翻译理论;医学英语;翻译  【作者简介】马茜(1986- ),女,汉族,陕西宝鸡
【摘要】项目通过实证研究构建微信辅助大学英语教学的混合式学习模式,并研究该混合式学习模式对提高应用技术大学非英语专业本科生英语应用能力的作用。研究结果表明,利用微信辅助教学的混合式学习方式提高了学生的英语成绩,运用微信支持的课前预习、课堂面授、课后提升三结合的模式对提高学生的自主学习能力、小组协作能力、英语听说能力起到了积极的作用。  【关键词】应用技术大学;微信平台;大学英语;混合式学习  【作
【摘要】中學生文学经典阅读中,我最喜欢的是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福在1719年出版的代表作《鲁滨孙漂流记》。这部著作自问世以来,广受世界各地的读者喜爱,被翻译成几十种语言,经久不衰。而中文译本读来也朗朗上口,颇具韵味,可以从中品味翻译者的功力和风格。本文以唐荫荪翻译的《鲁滨孙漂流记》为范本,探究其中的英语翻译技巧,供读者品读。  【关键词】《鲁滨孙漂流记》;英语翻译技巧  【作者简介】文凤,湖南省祁阳