Should theses for most undergraduate students be canceled?

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  【Abstract】As many educators and senior students argue that writing theses for undergraduate students seems to be just too much of a formality , it is urgent for us to figure out its reason and solution for it.
  【Key words】 Theses writing; Plagiarism; Evaluation reforming.
  While senior college students are busy preparing their theses and oral defense,some of them,even several professors and educational experts suggest that theses for most undergraduate students are unnecessary,wasting one’s time and not much academic value comes out of it. As lots of students just plagiarize,perhaps even go to the extremes,simply buy a whole selling paper. And it turns out that theses writing,at the end of day,lost all its purposes of why it was established in the first place.
  However, if we take a closer look, we may understand why a lot of students end up copying and pasting from other people’s work, or some of them even pay someone else to write a paper for them. As for me, when we look at the plagiarism in theses, I would say that firstly the kids in university are not given enough real useful guidance on how to write a good thesis. In fact, they are not even really been systematically taught to write a research paper, which require students to organize materials they found and to use citations, which is the easiest way to get around plagiarism. Therefore, one reason might be the lacking of education in that to some degree in university education.
  Also that students don’t have much of their original ideas in it might be another reason. When so much of their theses are “borrowed” from others, of course you can not cite every thing. Therefore the prevalent existence of plagiarism makes me thinking maybe the problem here we are looking at is not just students coping and even buying other people’s work, but for undergraduate students how much would you expect them to do, and can they even come up with a new idea that deserves those 20 pages or even 40 pages, also for some subjects or some degrees, is it really necessary?
  I agree with the experts on that for undergraduate students, it is better for them to work on some good essays for some major courses, instead of push them to write huge theses that they are incapable of doing on their own. Let’s give an example, when I was studying in France, I realize for undergraduate of most degrees it is not necessary for the students to write a dissertation type of huge paper, but instead, we have to do numerous essays through out the years. And that is also the case for university in the UK and many other European countries.
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