Expression of Mitochondrial Gene Fragments within the Tapetum Induce Male Sterility by Limiting the

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ecoffe
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Plant mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) are large and undergo frequent recombination events. A common phenotype that emerges as a consequence of altered mtDNA structure is cytoplasmic-male sterility (CMS). The molecular basis for CMS remains unclear, but it seems logical that altered respiration activities would result in reduced pollen production. Analysis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mtDNAs indicated that CMS-associated loci often contain fragments of known organellar genes. These may assemble with organellar complexes and thereby interfere with normal respiratory functions. Here, we analyzed whether the expression of truncated fragments of mitochondrial genes (i.e. atp4, cox1 and rps3) may induce male sterility by limiting the biogenesis of the respiratory machinery. cDNA fragments corresponding to atp4f, cox1f and rps3f were cloned in-frame to a mitochondrial localization signal and a C-termini HA-tag under a tapetum-specific promoter and introduced to tobacco plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The constructs were then analyzed for their effect on mitochondrial activity and pollen fertility. Atp4f , Cox1f and Rps3f plants demonstrated male sterility phenotypes, which were tightly correlated with the expression of the recombinant fragments in the floral meristem. Fractionation of native organellar extracts showed that the recombinant ATP4f-HA, COX1f-HA and RPS3f-HA proteins are found in large membrane-associated particles. Analysis of the respiratory activities and protein profiles indicated that organellar complex I was altered in Atp4f, Cox1f and Rps3f plants. Plant common mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) are large and undergo frequent recombination events. A common phenotype that emerges as a consequence of altered mtDNA structure is cytoplasmic-male sterility (CMS). The molecular basis for CMS remains unclear, but it seems logical that altered respiration activity of result in reduced pollen production. Analysis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mtDNAs that that CMS-associated loci often contain fragments of known organellar genes. These, we who assemble with organellar complexes and thereby interfere with normal respiratory functions. Here, we analyzed whether the expression of truncated fragments of mitochondrial genes (ie atp4, cox1 and rps3) may induce male sterility by limiting the biogenesis of the respiratory machinery. cDNA fragments corresponding to atp4f, cox1f and rps3f were cloned in-frame to a mitochondrial localization signal and a C -termini HA-tag under a tapetum-specific promoter and introduced to tobacco plants by Agrobacteriu m-mediated transformation. The constructs were then analyzed for their effect on mitochondrial activity and pollen fertility. Atp4f, Cox1f and Rps3f plants rendered male sterility phenotypes, which were key to correlated with the expression of the recombinant fragments in the floral meristem. Fractionation of native Analysis of the respiratory activities and protein profiles indicated that organellar complex I was altered in Atp4f, Cox1f and Rps3f plants.
遵义市中考英语试卷总分150分,其中非选择题部分占57.5分。单句改错题是其中重要的一题,共有8小题构成,每小题1分。要求从所给的句子中找出错误之处(每题只有一个错误)并加以改正,各占半分。做这类题通常的步骤是:  一、先阅读全句,理解全句的意思。  二、再注意每道改错题是何处有错误的,因此在答题时,要考虑这道题主要考查什么语法内容,有针对性地选择答案。  三、在选择及改正时要综合运用所学的词汇、
摘 要:英语正以它独特的魅力影响着一代又一代的人,成为生活中不可避免的会接触的事物。英语作为一门语言,是需要人不断地去学习,在学习中使自己的语言素养得到提高。当前英语教学的提高应重视自主学习策,强调学生是学习的主体,在自己对语言的理解中熟悉和运用语言习得规律。  关键词:高中英语;自主学习;策略  一、前言  在知识经济时代,自主学习的能力愈显得尤为重要。“自主学习”已经成为教育改革的目标与方向之
摘要:随着我国经济的繁荣,旅游行业得以迅速发展,越来越多的外国游客来到中国,这就要求高校培养出一批优秀的旅游服务人员。本文从我国民俗翻译的现状出发,分析了民俗翻译存在的问题,民俗翻译的方法及其在旅游英语教学中的应用,希望能为旅游英语教学的进步做出贡献。  关键字:民俗;翻译;跨文化交际;  随着国外游客的不断增加,我国高校的旅游英语专业面临着一次重大的变革。旅游资料的翻译主要是为了对外宣传,其最终
摘要:生态翻译理论认为翻译是译者适应翻译生态环境的选择活动,强调翻译过程中译者的主导与适应选择的作用。本文将从译者的主导和适应选择的角度,分析清明上河园景点简介的翻译的过程,探讨如何达到翻译的生态平衡、实现有效的沟通与交流,并给出了景点简介的建议性英文译本。  关键词:生态翻译;译者主导;适应选择;清明上河园景点简介;简介建议性英文译本  近年来,国际旅游业飞速发展,清明上河园作为北宋文化旅游景点
引言:当今世界全球化的趋势越来越明显,传统专业教育培养的专才受专业分工过于精准的局限,视野狭窄,难以适应全球化时代复杂而多变的社会环境,加强通识教育的重要性显得日渐突出。融合通识教育的‘全人教育’理念,拓宽专业口径,使学生一专多能,具备成为一个合格的国家公民和有责任心与爱心的地球人的基本教养,已成为高等教育发展的必然趋势,英语专业也不例外。  一、大学通识教育在全球化背景下变得越来越重要  “现代