Study on Accelerating the Construction of Wuhan Regional Financial Center

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  【Abstract】The paper discussed the background and statue of Wuhan’s regional financial center, analyzed deeply the effects of Wuhan’s regional financial center, and proposed accordingly the measures and suggestions.
  【Key words】Regional Financial Center; Economic Growth; Influence; Countermeasures
  Along with the strengthening of economic globalization and related financial derivatives emerged, it is necessary to establish a regional financial center for Wuhan. It is necessary to analysis the statue of Wuhan finance and put forward corresponding suggestions.
  1 The statue of Wuhan’s regional financial industry development
  In the late Qing dynasty, Wuhan financial industry has had certain development, exchange pawnbrokers had already appeared. At that time, Wuhan was an important economic center and mainland financial center.
  Under the policy of "the rise of the central region", the government starts to "build financial center and promote the rise of the central region". All of these can provide powerful support for Wuhan to become regional financial center.
  But, most SMEs in Wuhan are faced with the difficulty in financing. Compared with advanced regions, financial products is single, financial services is boring, innovation ability is insufficient, product upgrading is slow. There are other problems such as incomplete capital chain, bad concentration ability, slow information transmission and outstanding financial risk.
  2 The influence on setting up regional financial center of Wuhan
  Wuhan’s regional financial center would promote capital flow, make capital chain more complete, and improve greatly capital utilization. Wuhan’s advantageous on geographical position will have a positive impact on the surrounding cities, investment and cooperation will thus become more frequent. The cluster ability and influence range of financial institutions will be extended, information will become more quickly and transparent. It will also improve the financing ability of financial institutions and the efficiency of executing currency and fiscal policy.
  3 The measures of perfecting Wuhan’s regional financial center
  3.1 to construct and improve financial markets.
  It is urgent to perfect constantly the financial system and form real financial market for Wuhan. We should deal with the relationship between the construction speed of financial market and systemic financial risks
  3.2 to expand the service scope and functions   Maintaining the spirit of innovation and advanced financial idea is helpful to make financial industry stronger and bigger. Wuhan financial institutions can carry out new business such as factoring, financial consultation, family financial management and so on.
  3.3 to perfect financial legislation and ensure fair competition
  Strengthen legislation can guard against financial risks effectively, guarantee the fairness and justice of trading and maintain the economic interests of both the customers and financial institutions.
  3.4 to play a role in supporting and supervising
  The strengthening of the government's macro control can improve cluster effect of financial centers. The integration of financial resources can improve the whole coordination ability of financial institutions.
  Wuhan’s regional financial center needs the coordination of financial institutions, various governments and enterprises, It can effectively improve the utilization rate of capital and attract foreign investments
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  [注] 
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