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  With 13,600 Km already covered on his 19th century “penny farthing” bicycle, a 39-year-old Briton has embarked on one of the toughest 2)legs of his world 3)trek—China.
  The penny-farthing is one of the world’s earliest bicycles, 4)boasting a giant front wheel that has a 47-inch 5)diameter and a tiny back wheel.
  The bike has no chains or gears, making hills extremely difficult to climb and dangerous to descend due to its small brake.
  Summerfield said he had always wanted to cycle around the world, but it was only in 1996 when he started ­building penny farthings that he decided the big wheeler would be his vehicle of choice.

  Since leaving London on May 1, 2006, the engineer and bike builder cycled through Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, the 6)Czech Republic, 7)Slovakia, Hungary, 8)Serbia, 9)Macedonia, Greece Turkey, New Zealand and Australia.
  In China, he plans to cover around 60 Km, and spend no more than five pounds a day. And he has 10)allotted about six months here, a plan that gives him ample time for sightseeing, but means that he also must do a lot of camping to save on hotel expenses.
  He carries a tent, a sleeping bag, and a stove, while his all-important water bottles are strapped to his 11)handlebars.
  Besides his saving and 12)proceeds from a book on a previous round-the-world attempt, Summerfield relies on donations and maintains a 13)log of his trip on his website (www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/joff1).
  Most of his navigation is done by compass on smaller, less-traveled roads, but a large English-language map of China and a cyclists’ guide to the country are handy back-up tools. He does not speak Chinese.

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Gender equality has evolved to the point where many are sure that men and women are now treated as equals. Unfortunately, while gender equity is present in most aspects of society, 1)disparities ­
基本上,“熟女”、“丑女”在荧屏上从崭露头角到大放异彩,不过短短两三年时间。2005年,当一半以上的韩国人坐到电视机前看那个胖乎乎的金三顺的故事时,“丑女”还仅仅是个茶余饭后的谈资罢了;2006年,“丑女贝蒂”席卷美国和世界,连时尚界都吹起了不可思议的“贝蒂风”。当“丑”成为一种潮流,我们心中对“美”的概念,是否也在进行一场革命?  —Tiffany    From her 1)Groucho M
郑远涛 译    今年是法国大选年,法国人民将在四五月间选举出一位新的总统。与以往不同的是,这一届的总统候选人当中首次出现了女性——代表社会党参选的塞戈莱娜·罗亚尔女士。多少年来,法国政坛都是男人的天下,异军突起的罗亚尔无疑使人眼前一亮。这位衣着优雅、笑容可掬、现年54岁的女士深得民众的拥戴,在2006年被选为法国人最喜爱的50位名人之一,连她穿比基尼泳装的海滩照都被媒体偷拍并刊登出来,成为一时的
梁碧滢 译  《皇家赌场》是007之父伊恩·弗莱明的第一本邦德小说。这部作为007系列电影的前传讲述了刚进入英国情报局不久的007号特工詹姆斯·邦德作为高级间谍的第一次行动。  第6任邦德丹尼尔·克雷格个子矮,头发黄,完全不像前任邦德皮尔斯·布鲁斯南和肖恩·康纳利那般玉树临风。影片开拍之际几乎没有人看好这个邦德,但克雷格却凭借自身特质,塑造了一个全新的詹姆斯·邦德。  《皇家赌场》自去年年底在北美