一、章节整理,版块记忆 章节体系是教材编写的基本体系,是授课和掌握知识的基本顺序,当然就是历史记忆的基本方法。将每一章节的内容,分为基本历史知识、基本历史观点、图表与材料、典型题目等方面整理形成知识版块,认真掌握,反复回顾,熟记不忘。版块整理要重点突出,要点细全,文字简约,注重实用。版块制造材料最好用特制卡片纸,以便反复使用。
Chapter I. Organizing, Forum Memory The chapter system is the basic system for the compilation of teaching materials. It is the basic sequence for teaching and mastering knowledge. It is, of course, the basic method of historical memory. The content of each chapter is divided into basic historical knowledge, basic historical perspectives, charts and materials, typical topics, and other aspects to organize and form a knowledge section, grasp it carefully, review it repeatedly, and remember it well. The forums should be focused on key points, detailed points, simple text, and practicality. It is best to use special card stock for making materials for the plates so that they can be used repeatedly.