Diagnostic value of drain amylase for detecting intrathoracic leakage after esophagectomy

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haozhiyan
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AIM:To investigate the value of elevated drain amylase concentrations for detecting anastomotic leakage(AL) after minimally invasive Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy(MIILE).METHODS:This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in two hospitals in the Netherlands. Consecutive patients undergoing MI-ILE were included. A Jackson-Pratt drain next to the dorsal side of the anastomosis and bilateral chest drains were placed at the end of the thoracoscopic procedure. Amylase levels in drain fluid were determined in all patients during at least the first four postoperative days. Contrast computed tomography scans and/or endoscopic imaging were performed in cases of a clinically suspected AL. Anastomotic leakage was defined as any sign of leakage of the esophago-gastric anastomosis on endoscopy,re-operation,radiographic investigations,post mortal examination or when gastro-intestinal contents were found in drain fluid. Receiver operator characteristic curves were used to determine the cut-off values. Sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value,negative predictive value,risk ratio and overall test accuracy were calculated for elevated drain amylase concentrations.RESULTS:A t o t a l o f 8 9 p a t ie n t s w e re in c lu d e d between March 2013 and August 2014. No differences in group characteristics were observed between patients with and without AL,except for age. Patients with AL were older than were patients without AL(P = 0.01). One patient(1.1%) without AL died within 30 d after surgery due to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Anastomotic leakage that required any intervention occurred in 15 patients(16.9%). Patients with proven anastomotic leakage had higher drain amylase levels than patients without anastomotic leakage [median 384 IU/L(IQR 34-6263) vs median 37 IU/L(IQR 26-66),P = 0.003]. Optimal cut-off values on postoperative days 1,2,and 3 were 350 IU/L,200 IU/L and 160 IU/L,respectively. An elevated amylase level was found in 9 of the 15 patients with AL. Five of these 9 patients had early elevations of their amylase levels,with a median of 2 d(IQR 2-5) before signs and symptoms occurred.CONCLUSION:Measurement of drain amylase levels is an inexpensive and easy tool that may be used to screen for anastomotic leakage soon after MI-ILE. However,clinical validation of this marker is necessary. AIM: To investigate the value of elevated drain amylase concentrations for detecting anastomotic leakage (AL) after minimally invasive Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy (MIILE). METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data in two hospitals in the Netherlands. Consecutive patients undergoing A-ILE were included. A Jackson-Pratt drain next to the dorsal side of the anastomosis and bilateral chest drains were placed at the end of the thoracoscopic procedure. Amylase levels in drain fluid were determined in all patients during at least the first four postoperative days. Contrast computed tomography scans and / or endoscopic imaging were performed in a clinically suspected AL. Anastomotic leakage was defined as any sign of leakage of the esophago-gastric anastomosis on endoscopy, re-operation, radiographic investigations, post mortal examination or when gastro-intestinal contents were found in drain fluid. Receiver operator characteristic curves were used to determine t he cut-off values. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, risk ratio and overall test accuracy were calculated for elevated drain amylase concentrations .RESULTS: A total of 8 9 pat ie ntswe re in c lu ded between March 2013 and August 2014. No differences in group characteristics were observed between patients with and without AL, except for age. Patients with AL were older than were patients without AL (P = 0.01). One patient (1.1%) without AL died within 30 days after surgery due to pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Anastomotic leakage that required any intervention occurred in 15 patients (16.9%). Patients with proven anastomotic leakage had higher drain amylase levels than patients without anastomotic leakage [median 384 IU / L (IQR 34- 6263) vs median 37 IU / L (IQR 26-66), P = 0.003] Optimal cut-off values ​​on postoperative days 1, 2 and 3 were 350 IU / L, 200 IU / L and 160 IU / L, respectively. An elevated amylase level was found in 9 of the 15 patients with AL. Five of these 9 patients had early elevations of their amylase levels, with a median of 2 d (IQR 2-5) before signs of signs of symptoms. CONCLUSION: Measurement of drain amylase levels is an inexpensive and easy tool that may be used to screen for anastomotic leakage soon after MI-ILE. However, clinical validation of this marker is necessary.
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先说我知道的一件事。  一所学校百年校庆又恰逢德高望重的雒老师80寿诞。为了揭开雒老师教育的成功秘诀,学校从他的弟子中选出100位最有成就的人,提了一个问题:你认为,雒老师的哪一方面对你的人生影响最大?结果答案惊人相似:雒老师的眼神。  我又不禁想起教育专家孙云晓先生的一本名为《教育的秘诀是真爱》的书。是的,教育者必须带着真情,用最美的眼神注视着天真烂漫、调皮可爱的孩子,小心翼翼地触及那一颗颗敏感
上完第二节课,刚走出教室,迎面走来了班上学生小良的妈妈。未等我说话,她先开口了:“张老师下课了,朱学良说他的文具盒被老师……”她话音未落,我心里咯噔了一下,前两天课堂上的一幕浮现脑海。  那节课,我正在讲生字,抬眼望去,见小良正在玩弄一个文具盒,我心里蓦地升起一股无名怒火,径直走过去,夺过文具盒放在窗台外边,心里想着暂时惩罚他一下,等下课再还给他文具盒罢。没想到,一下课我就忙于安排学生做眼保健操,
读初三那年,15岁的许枫突然迷上了武侠小说,课余时间就去租各种功夫片的碟片看,或者玩刀光剑影的电脑游戏。自然,他的学习成绩开始一落千丈。平时对他欣赏有加的语文老师于老师看在眼里,急在心头,经常找他谈心,苦口婆心地教育他要把主要精力放在学习上,但是收效甚微,许枫依然是外甥打灯笼——照旧(舅)。  一个平常的日子,于老师的语文课。午后的阳光洒在于老师身上,把他斑白的鬓角染成金黄,就像一位从线装书中走出