
来源 :交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhongbo
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本文研究了系统辨识和自校正控制器的算法及其在自适应操舵系统中的应用,提出了一种改进的扩展最小二乘在线算法。仿真试验表明该系统辨识算法具有收效快、稳定性好、计算量小等特点。本文提出的一种新型自校正控制器算法,其理论推导和仿真结果表明,该算法兼有最小方差和极点配置控制器的优点,适用于任何稳定、非稳定、最小相位、非最小相位被控系统;与一般最小方差、极点配置等算法相比具有跟踪精度高、稳态方差小、适用范围广等优点;且运算量小、设计灵活。作者利用IBM—PC为控制主机,配合专门研制的接口电路组成操舵控制机。根据软件的不同功能分别采用高级语言和汇编语言编程,然后连接运行,既满足了控制的实时性要求,又提供了强有力的人机对话功能。仿真试验表明,与PID自动舵相比,应用本文提出的在线辨识和自适应控制算法的自适应操舵系统能减少偏航、转舵角所引起的附加阻力,并能相应提高航速。 This paper studies the algorithm of system identification and self-tuning controller and its application in adaptive steering system, and proposes an improved extended least square algorithm. Simulation results show that the system identification algorithm has the advantages of fast response, good stability and small amount of calculation. A new self-tuning controller proposed in this paper is presented. The theoretical derivation and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has the advantages of minimum variance and pole controller. It is suitable for any stable, unsteady, minimum phase, non-minimum phase controlled Compared with the algorithm such as general minimum variance and pole assignment, this system has the advantages of high tracking accuracy, small steady-state variance and wide range of application. It also has the advantages of low computational complexity and flexible design. The author uses IBM-PC as the control panel and cooperates with specially developed interface circuit to compose steering control machine. According to the different functions of the software, they are programmed in high-level language and assembly language, respectively, and then connected and run, which not only meets the real-time requirements of control but also provides a powerful man-machine dialogue function. Simulation results show that compared with PID autopilot, the adaptive steering system based on on-line identification and adaptive control proposed in this paper can reduce the additional resistance caused by yaw and steering angle and increase the speed accordingly.
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海峡两岸有识之士正深入揭批叶石涛的“文学台独”言行 ,却总有人力图为他解脱 ,以纯学术问题加以论说 ,对其言行 ,或断章取义为我所用 ,或移花接木曲成己见 ,甚至遮蔽阉割 ,