《新编节能知识问答》 《新编线损知识问答》 《新编电工知识问答》 《新编家庭电工、电器知识问答》 读者对象为广大电工以及节能、线损管理工作的专业人员,也适于作培训教材。4种新书分别由北京科学技术出版社、中国气象出版社、兵器出版社出版。现简介如下: 一、《新编节能知识问答》全面系统地介绍能源法规、节能工作中的实际问题及相关的专业知识。以电力为主兼有煤炭、石油、水资源等能源管理,节能潜力与主要措施。全书分绪论、能源法规、能源管理、节能概念与潜力、节能的主要措施、计算题等六章,共1000余个实际问题。内容比较全面,知识含量高,有一定的实用价值。全书约39万字,32开本,1995年6月出版。 二、《新编线损知识问答》作者曾编著《线损知识问答》,再版3次,印数达几万册。新编只保留原线损知识问答20%的内容,可作“线损手册”、“线损小百科”的工具书。全书分六章,包括概述、理论计算、无功电压、用电管理、电能计算、降损措施等及附录,共600个实际问题。全书约40余万字,32开本,1995年6月出版。
New energy-saving knowledge Q & A New knowledge of line loss Q & A New electrical knowledge Q & A New home electrical, electrical knowledge Q & A Readers for the majority of electricians and energy-saving, line loss management professionals, but also In training materials. Four kinds of new books were published by Beijing Science and Technology Press, China Meteorological Press, Weaponry Publishing House. Now briefings are as follows: First, the “new energy-saving question and answer” a comprehensive and systematic introduction of energy laws and regulations, energy-saving work in the practical problems and related expertise. Mainly to the power of coal, oil, water and other energy management, energy saving potential and the main measures. The book is divided into introduction, energy laws and regulations, energy management, concept and potential of energy-saving, energy-saving measures, calculation of six chapters, a total of more than 1000 practical problems. More comprehensive content, high content of knowledge, have some practical value. The book about 39 words, 32 books, published in June 1995. Second, the “new line loss knowledge quiz” The author has edited “line loss knowledge quiz”, reprinted three times, printed tens of thousands of copies. New only retain the original line of knowledge loss Q & A 20% of the content can be used as “line loss manual”, “line loss Encyclopedia” tool. The book is divided into six chapters, including overview, theoretical calculations, reactive voltage, power management, power calculation, loss reduction measures, and appendix, a total of 600 practical issues. The book is about 40 words, 32 books, published in June 1995.