刊物介绍:《中学语文教学参考》创刊于1972年,是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、陕西师范大学主办的国家级刊物,全国中文核心期刊、全国优秀语文期刊。《中学语文教学参考》为旬刊,上旬(高中)、中旬(初中)、下旬(理论)刊名、刊号、封面、开本等均相同。国内统一连续出版物号:CN61-1031/G4,国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1002-2155。从2016年第1期起本刊可通过邮局订阅(邮发代号:52-323,每月30日出版),也可直接
Publication introduction: “Reference of Chinese teaching in middle school” was founded in 1972. It is a national-level publication sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and sponsored by Shaanxi Normal University, a national core Chinese periodical, and a national excellent Chinese language periodical. The “References for Chinese Language Teaching in Middle Schools” is a tenth issue, and the titles, numbers, covers, and drafts of the titles are the same in the early (high school), middle (secondary), and late (theory) titles. The domestic unified serial number: CN61-1031/G4, serial number of the international standard: ISSN 1002-2155. From the first issue of 2016, the publication can be subscribed via the post office (mail code: 52-323, published on the 30th of each month), or directly