在高考指挥棒对中学教育仍起着重要影响作用的客观形势下 ,新的“3+X”高考方案的实施无疑将对素质教育带来重大而深远的影响。而综合科目的设立为作为“杂科”的地理教育带来了许多的机遇和挑战。为适应新方案的要求 ,地理教师必须努力提高自身的素质 ,在紧紧抓住地理学科“人地关系”这一主线和特点进行教学的基础上 ,注重与其他学科的内在联系 ,正确认识地理学科在素质教育中的地位 ,方能使地理教学既能适应新方案选拔人才的需要 ,又使素质教育能真正得以实施。
Under the objective situation that the college entrance examination baton still plays an important role in secondary education, the implementation of the new “3 + X” college entrance examination program will undoubtedly bring about significant and far-reaching impact on quality-oriented education. The establishment of comprehensive subjects has brought many opportunities and challenges for geography education as a “miscellaneous department”. In order to meet the requirements of the new program, geography teachers must strive to improve their own qualities. On the basis of grasping the teaching of the main line and characteristics of the “human-earth relationship” in geography, the geography teachers should pay attention to the internal relations with other disciplines and correctly understand the geography Discipline in the quality of education in the position, can make geography teaching both to adapt to the needs of the new program selection personnel, but also to make quality education can be truly implemented.