一什么是索取?什么是奉献? 什么是收获?什么是耕耘? 什么是伟大?什么是平凡? 当有些人周而复始地纠缠这些难题,被搞得头昏脑胀之际,李中民,这位51岁,北京市大兴县魏善庄中学副校长,高级中学教师。已在奉献、耕耘、平凡的乡村中学教员的岗位上度过了整整32个春秋。 32年,人生有几个32年? 32年前,走在起伏不平的沙丘上,李中民留下了一行行歪扭的浅浅的脚印。朋友,这可不是旅游度假,在轻涛拍岸的海滩上留下来的浪漫镜头。这是19岁的李中民,刚刚从北京35中学高中毕业后,响应党的号召,不顾家人的反对、亲友的劝阻,毅然放弃升学深造的机会,满怀一腔青春热血,初涉京南永定河流域这片贫瘠的土地时的情景。他做梦也没有想到:号称天子脚下第一县的大兴县竟是那样的贫穷。荒草满目,沙丘连绵,春天刮起旱风,对面不见人;夏天下起雨来,蛤蟆撒尿也能成涝。当他背着行李,提着大捆的书籍,按照分配通知单上的地址,寻找他即将工作的学校时,他茫然了。学校在哪儿?他理想的梦在哪儿?
What is the dedication? What is the harvest? What is the cultivation? What is the great? What is the ordinary? When some people are entangled in these problems and be confused, Li Zhongmin, the 51-year-old , Daxing County, Beijing Wei Shanzhuang secondary school vice president, senior secondary school teachers. We have spent 32 full years in the dedication, hard work, and ordinary rural middle school faculty positions. In 32 years, how many years in my life? 32 years ago, walking on the ups and downs of sand dunes, Li Zhongmin left a row of crooked shallow footprints. Friends, this is not a tourist holiday, romance left on the shore of the light Tao Beach romantic. This is a 19-year-old Li Zhongmin who, just after graduating from high school in Beijing’s Middle School 35, responded to the party’s call and disregarded the objections of his family members and relatives and friends and resolutely gave up his chance of further studies. This barren land when the scene. He never dreamed: Daxing County, which claimed to be the first county at the foot of the emperor, was so poor. Grassland everywhere, rolling sand dunes, spring blowing winds, across from no one; the summer rain, toad pee can become waterlogging. He was lost when he was carrying his luggage, carrying a large bundle of books, following the address on the distribution notice and looking for his soon-to-be-working school. Where is the school? Where is his ideal dream?