近两年,有近百人要求调进江苏省射阳县海河轧花厂。 这个只有412人的小企业,为什么会有如此大的吸引力呢?请看下列数字和荣誉:1996年实现利税487万元,比上年度提高了100.8%;企业资产负债率仅46.2%,在全县居最好水平;近几年先后被县、市评为物资管理、财务管理、现场管理、安全管理先进企业。 而1991年以前,这个厂还当月发不出工资,连支付几百元的出差费也困难。是什么力量使这个企业渡过了难关,铺实了家底,进而在“银海”大战中勇立潮头呢?
In the past two years, nearly 100 people have requested to be transferred to the Haihe Rolling Mill in Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province. This small company with only 412 people has such a big attraction. Look at the following figures and honors: In 1996, profits and taxes were 4.87 million yuan, an increase of 100.8% over the previous year; the company’s asset-liability ratio was only 46.2%. The county has the best standard; in recent years, the county and city have been rated as advanced enterprises in material management, financial management, site management, and safety management. Before 1991, this factory still had no salary for the month, and it was difficult to pay even a few hundred yuan for travel expenses. What kind of power has enabled this enterprise to overcome its difficulties and lay a firm foundation, and then it will be the leader in the “Silver Sea” war?