一、编委会的职责: (1)对本刊的编辑方针,选题原则、报道范围提出指导性的意见,在业务上对编辑部进行领导; (2)各编委应负责本地区、本单位的组稿和稿件的初审工作,并向《华东公路》编辑部推荐。每成员单位每季度不得少于二篇稿件; (3)承担编辑部委托的审稿任务; (4)及时搜集作者和读者对刊物的反映和改进意见。
First, the editorial board of duties: (1) of the editorial guidelines, selection principles, coverage of the area to provide guidance, editorial department in business leadership; (2) editorial board should be responsible for the region, The unit’s draft and manuscripts of the first instance, and to “East China Road” editorial department recommended. Each member unit shall not be less than two manuscripts on a quarterly basis; (3) bear the task entrusted by editorial department; and (4) collect the opinions and suggestions of authors and readers on the publication in time.