Case report: Baby boy, 10 months old, hospitalized on the same day as his mother found swelling in the right inguinal region. Nine hours after onset of physical examination: bilateral testicular absence, scrotal hypoplasia; right groin area swelling, reddish, palpable and a tenderness mass (3 × 3cm); left groin area and a small Cryptorchidism (diameter 1cm); bilateral cremaster reflex did not lead. No obvious abnormalities in routine laboratory tests. Pelvic and genital radionuclide angiography was immediately performed using a dose of (111) MBq (3mCi) ~ (99m) Tc-pertechnetate due to highly suspected torsion of the right cryptorchidism. The results showed that the right inguinal mass Perfusion of peripheral arteries increased slightly, and static imaging revealed an abnormal donut-like radioactive mass in the mass. This pattern is exactly the same as the testicular torsion in the missed normal position.