Teacher’s Role in Learner-centred Classroom

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  1.A brief introduction of learner-centred approach
  Principles: In learner-centred classroom,the learner is projected as an active participant who accomplishes the learning tasks indepently or in collaboration with his or her classmates. "Allow little space for the students to develop the language competence" .
  Aims: In learner-centred classroom ,one major aim or set of aims will relate to the teaching of specific language skills,other aims will relate to the development of learning skills. Such aims may include the following: "to provide students with efficient learning strategies,to develop skills, to encourage students to set their their own objectives,to encourage students… " .
  2. Different Teacher’s role in Learner-centred Classroom .
  The teacher as controller:
  The teacher as a controller is closely allied to the image that teachers project of themselves.Some appear to be natural leaders and performers,while some are quieter and feel happier when students are interacting amongst themselves.
  In learner-centred classroom,it is vital that control should be relaxed if students are to be allowed a chance to learn rather than be taught. In learner-centred classroom,the students are viewed as the main part that can be directed by skilled training techniques to produce correct responses.
  The teacher as assessor:
  “Not only is this important pedagogically,but the students quite naturally expect it”. In learner-centred classroom,if students make mistakes,he will be corrected almost instantly.The teacher’s function is to show where incorrectness occurs and help student to see what has gone wrong so that it can be put right.
  The teacher as prompter:
  Often the teacher needs to encourage students to participate or needs to make suggestions about how students may process in an activity when there is a silence or when they are confused about what to do next. When students are involved in speaking activities,the teacher asks them to produce sentence of their own using the language.It will give students more chances to improve their speaking ability.The teacher encourages this type of response and of doing so is to insist on an additional remark being made.
  The teacher as participant:
  It is important that the teacher ought to as a number of class and participate in class activity. Because the teacher will tent to dominate,and the students will both allow and expect this to happen. It is important for the teacher to conduct feedback about the content of an activity such as simulation as well as discussing the use of English. The teacher’s appreciation is vitally important for students,as an encourager in learner-centred classroom, ,is very necessary.So if one want to be a excellent teacher,it is better for him to play different roles in different classroom.
摘 要:随着经济的发展和时代的进步,我国的教育制度改革也在如火如荼的进行着,以前的教育模式与方法已经不适合现代的人才培养计划了,因此,构建一种新型的人才培养模式是非常必要的。本文将针对这种背景下,一种新型教育模式——探究性教育模式的出现,着重探讨这种新型教育模式在高中化学实验课堂的应用,旨在促进我国教育事业的发展和社会主义高素质人才的培养。  关键词:高中教育 化学实验 探究性教育模式   
“四环节循环”教学模式根据儿童的认知规律,充分发挥儿童的学习机智,让他通过自主探究、合作释疑等方式去发现问题、解决问题。四环节指的是:“自学质疑——合作释疑——展示评价——巩固深化,”各环节之间并不是孤立的,而是环环相扣,紧密相连的。为了发挥学生的主体性,把课堂的主体地位还给学生,这里面起着重要作用的便是小组的分配、及怎样去做才能最具有实效性。才能发挥小组最大的潜能,进而提高课堂的效率。  为了了
摘要:地理学科一直以来处于比较弱势的地位,不仅表现在学生的不重视,还有课时的安排上。而长期的历史遗留问题,加上一上高中就是难度较大的地球运动部分,导致中下层学生望而却步。由笔者经历的几个学车教练身上看到教师态度对于中下层学生学习心理和学习效果的显著影响。  关键词:态度 中下层学生 影响    对于每个城市来说,真正重点学校还是少数的,学校的类型也是呈现金字塔形,中层和下层学生较多。所以如何提
【摘要】当代中职学生的社会责任感有逐渐淡化的迹象,主要表现在自我责任感弱化,家庭责任感弱化、社会公德责任感弱化、对他人责任感弱化以及自我意识高于一切等方面。中职学生在毕业之后走上各行各业,成为建设国家的重要力量,具备强烈的社会责任感具有十分重要的意义。因此,如何培养学生的社会责任感就显得尤为重要。文章对中职学生社会责任感的现状进行分析,并提出几条培养中职学生社会责任感的途径。   【关键词】中职
新《课标》指出:教学过程中要始终体现学生的主体地位,教师要充分发挥学生的主动性和积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造轻松、和谐的学习氛围,强调以学生为主体,教师为主导。学生是教学活动的中心,课堂教学既有“教”的活动,也有“学”的活动,因此,高效课堂既要体现“教”的有效性,更要体现“学”的有效性。那么,怎样实现有效学习呢?笔者认为应从以下几方面思考:  一、建立融洽的师生关系,营造和谐有效的学习环境  
摘要:本文简述了在语文的教学中,要常常与学生沟通,注意调控学生的学习兴趣,引起感情共鸣,激发学生思维,把学生自己本身潜在的智慧充分发挥出来,主动探索,创造性地学习,取得最佳效果。  关键词:激发兴趣语文的教学  爱因斯坦说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”我国古代教育家孔子说:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”如果学生对所学课程没有任何兴趣,而只是在家长和教师的管束下被迫进行,不仅不能学到多少知识,而
《语文课程标准》中有这样一段话:“具有独立的阅读能力,注重情感体验,有较丰富的积累,形成良好的语感。学会运用多种阅读方法。能初步理解、鉴赏文学作品,受到高尚情操与趣味的熏陶,发展个性,丰富自己的精神世界。因而,在语文教学中,培养学生的语文阅读素质是语文新课改的关键之处。  我一直致力于 “如何在语文实践活动中培养学生各种能力” 的探索。多年的课改研究让我找到了切入点,那就是以“主题阅读”为媒介,开
摘要:本文先对当前小学数学课堂教学中存在的问题进行深入地剖析,用案例呈现的方式列举了数学教学中在情境创设、课堂活动、课堂提问、教学过程铺设等方面存在的问题,再用案例呈现出小学数学课堂教学本应保留的特色,即数学问题应多一点,思考感悟应多一点,思维交流应多一点,更应关注学生数学能力的提高。笔者想与广大教师共勉:沉下心来,实实在在、扎扎实实地教学,还数学教学本应有的特色。  关键词:小学数学课堂教学数学
摘要:近年来随着计算机应用技术的广泛传播,信息技术给传统的初中历史教学注入了新的内容。信息技术运用于历史教学中,还以其独特的、不可忽视的功能被越来越多的历史教师所采用。本人就以初中历史教师的身份浅谈一下信息技术下的初中历史教学。  关键词:信息技术历史教学应用  一、信息技术在初中历史教学中应用的意义  信息技术在初中历史教学中应用是指在初中历史课堂教学过程中把信息技术、信息资源、信息方法、人力资