@俞雷:腾讯厚积薄发,微信购物完全有别于以前的套路,深谙移动互联网精髓。马云对企鹅的愤怒是有道理的,如果阿里不改变,在这个十倍速时代,微信的移动购物5年内一定会彻底击败淘宝至少是天猫。腾讯集团高级执行副总裁、腾讯电商控股CEO吴宵光日前对外谈及了腾讯电商针对O2O业务的思考和业务布局。从2012年开始,银泰、天虹、茂业等大型连锁百货商场,Jack&Jones、Only、Vero Moda等品牌已经开始和腾讯电商开展基于微信平台的O2O深度合作。
@ Yu Lei: Tencent profound knowledge, WeChat shopping completely different from the previous routines, well versed in the essence of mobile Internet. Jack Ma on Penguin’s anger is justified, if Ali does not change in this decade-speed era, WeChat mobile shopping 5 years will definitely beat Taobao at least Lynx. Recently, Tencent Group Executive Vice President, CEO Tencent E-commerce Holdings recently talked about Tencent electricity business for O2O business thinking and business layout. Since 2012, brands like Jack & Jones, Only, Vero Moda and other major department stores such as Intime, Tianhong and Maoye have started to cooperate with Tencent e-commerce providers on the O2O depth based on the WeChat platform.