对小麦品种京 4 11(J4 11)和小偃 5 4 (X5 4 )及杂交后代植株于灌浆期对旗叶进行光合速率的比较测定 ,在优选F3代的一个株系 1- 15中观测到测定的多数植株的光合速率比亲本高 10 %以上 ,并且此结果在对它的 F4 代植株的测定中得到确证。通过这个初步实验 ,对选择具有高光合能力的植株作为培育优良小麦品种的重要指标的可能性以及在实际应用中的困难作了讨论。
Comparison of the photosynthetic rate of flag leaves between wheat varieties Jing 4 11 (J4 11) and Xiaoyan 54 (X5 4) and hybrid progeny plants at grain filling stage was observed in one of the lines F3-F3 which preferred F3 The photosynthetic rate of most of the plants tested was more than 10% higher than that of the parent, and the result was confirmed in the measurement of its F4 generation plants. Through this preliminary experiment, the possibility of selecting plants with high photosynthetic capacity as important indexes to cultivate fine wheat varieties and the difficulties in practical application are discussed.