弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561~1626)是英国文学史上第一个重要的散文家,他通过不断地用科学的思考方法及依照观察而非权威学说获取知识的态度为现代科学奠定了基础。他的《论说文集(Essays)》是英国文学中这一流派的典范,并被誉为英语散文发展的重要里程碑,大大地影响了散文的发展。《谈美》是培根《论说文集》中较为著名的一篇。作为一篇论说文,《谈美》观点明确,叙述条理清晰,语言简洁,内涵深刻,充满哲理。在论证过程中,培根将美与德行进行比较,一一列举美的种种表现与不足,在此基础上阐述自己的观点,令人信服。因此,在我国近现代出现了各种不同风格的译文。下面介绍几种影响较大的《谈美》译文。他们是我国早在二十世纪三四十年代就翻译了本文的王佐良先生和水天同先生,以及在二十世纪八九十年代重译本文的何新先生和曹明伦先生。
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the first major essayist in the history of British literature, laid the groundwork for modern science by continually using scientific methods of thinking and acquiring knowledge through observation rather than authoritative theory The foundation. His “Essays” is an example of this genre in British literature and is hailed as an important milestone in the development of English prose, greatly affecting the development of essays. “Talks on the United States” is the more famous one in Bacon’s “Argumentative Collected Works”. As an argumentative article, the point of “talking about the United States” is clear, the narration is organized clearly, the language is concise, the connotation is profound, and the philosophy is full of philosophy. In the process of argumentation, Bacon compares the beauty and virtue, one by one to enumerate the various manifestations and deficiencies of the United States, on the basis of which he expresses his point of view and is convincing. Therefore, various kinds of translations have appeared in our country in modern times. Here are some of the more influential “Talking about the United States” translation. They are Mr. Wang Zuoliang and Mr. Shuitian Tong who translated this article back in the 1930s and 1940s in our country, and Mr. He Xin and Mr. Cao Minglun who re-translated this article in the 1980s and 1990s.