看电视连续剧《武则天》,才看前几集时尚不知该剧对武媚是褒是贬,不过听了每一集结束时的主题歌,便推断该剧肯定是颂扬武媚的,颂扬她改变了“从来就是女作卑,从来就是男当尊,男尊女卑了几千年”的历史,当上了中国历史上唯一的女皇,“小女子抖回精神”。 但在继续看下去直至看完全剧时,就不能不陷入困惑了。从总体上看,电视剧没有写出武则天多少丰功伟绩和优点,倒是塑造了一个女阴谋家的形象。在“入宫是才人”尚未显贵之时,她言词甜蜜、谦恭小巧、逆来顺受,一旦大权在握,对她所忌恨的大臣,对的皇后、甚至对皇帝又是另一副面孔。为了争皇后之位和亲自当皇帝,她先后钉害了自己的女儿、姐姐、哥哥,陷害了王皇后、肖淑妃和包括国舅长孙无忌在内的诸多敢于仗义执言的朝廷重臣,可谓不阴险毒
Watching TV series “Empress Wu”, just look at the first few episodes of fashion I do not know the play on the Wu Mei is praise is derogatory, but after listening to the theme song at the end of each episode, it is concluded that the play is sure to praise Wu Mei, praised her change “Has always been the gentry, has always been male respect, male superiority inferior for thousands of years” history, became the only empress in Chinese history, “the little girl shake back the spirit.” But can not help but be confused when we continue to read the whole drama. Generally speaking, the TV series did not write down the great achievements and merits of Wu Zetian. Instead, it created the image of a female conspirator. At the time when “entering the palace was a talent,” she was sweet, modest and obedient. When the power was held, the minister she hated, the queen to the court, and even the emperor were another face. In order to fight the Queen’s throne and personally as the emperor, she has nailed her daughter, sister, brother, framed the Queen of Queen, Xiao Shu Fei, and including the uncle of the country Sun Wuji, many bold dignified courtiers, can be described as not insidious poison