High school geography class tells the river distribution of the location, characteristics, causes, governance and its use and so on. Review the “river” should seize the following major issues. First, to grasp the location of river distribution Geography textbooks appear in rivers a total of more than 50, distributed around the world, its geographical location characteristics, often related to some of the important features of the river, and related to its governance and utilization. Therefore, to grasp its position, especially for some major rivers flowing through the different political (national or provincial) and well-known city's location, we must firmly remember. For example, the Nile is located in the eastern and northeastern parts of Africa, one of which originates from Burundi to the south of the equator, to the north through Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Zaire, in the Sudan's capital, Khartoum, and in Ethiopia After the convergence of the two sources, it continued its northward flow and plunged into the Mediterranean in Egypt. Cairo, Africa's largest city, is located on the lower reaches of the river.