Sequence polymorphism of two major histocompatibility(MH)classⅡB genes and their association with Vi

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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ⅱ B molecules play an important role in the adaptive immune response in fish. Previous study has reported that two highly polymorphic class ⅡB genes, Cyse-DAB and Cyse-DBB exist in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). In this study, the polymorphism within exon 2 of the class Ⅱ B genes following bacterial challenge was evaluated. Two hundred C. semilaevis individuals were injected intraperitoneally with Vibrio anguillarum. Muscle tissue from the first 20 dead and 20 of the survivors was collected for genotyping. Sixty alleles from the 40 individuals were isolated, of which 32 belonged to Cyse-DAB and 28 belonged to Cyse-DBB. The rate of dN (non-synonymous substitution) was higher than that of dS (synonymous substitution) in the PBRs (peptide binding residues) of both class Ⅱ B genes. Conversely, the rate of dS was higher than dN in the non-PBRs and the complete exon 2 sequence. Thus, the results suggest that positive selection has occurred in the PBRs and purifying selection in the non-PBRs and exon 2. Thirteen class Ⅱ B alleles were used to study the association between alleles and resistance to infection. Though not significant, alleles Cyse-DAB*0601, Cyse-DAB*0706, and Cyse-DBB*0101, Cyse-DBB*1301 were only found in surviving individuals and may represent alleles that have resistance against V. anguillarum infection. Alleles Cyse-DAB*0701 and Cyse-DAB*1301 were significantly more prevalent in dead individuals than in surviving ones and may represent alleles that are associated with increased susceptibility to V. anguillarum infection. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II B molecules play an important role in the adaptive immune response in fish. Previous study has reported that two highly polymorphic class IIB genes, Cyse-DAB and Cyse- DBB exist in half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). In this study, the polymorphism within exon 2 of the class II B genes following bacterial challenge was evaluated. Two hundred C. semilaevis individuals were injected intraperitoneally with Vibrio anguillarum. Muscle tissue from the first 20 dead and 20 of the survivors was Sixty alleles from the 40 individuals were isolated, of which 32 belonged to Cyse-DAB and 28 belonged to Cyse-DBB. The rate of dN (non-synonymous substitution) was higher than that of dS (synonymous substitution) in the PBRs (peptide binding residues) of both class II B genes. Conversely, the rate of dS was higher than dN in the non-PBRs and the complete exon 2 sequences. Thus, the results suggest that positive sel ection has occurred in the PBRs and purifying selection in the non-PBRs and exon 2. Thirteen class II B alleles were used to study the association between alleles and resistance to infection. Though not significant, alleles Cyse-DAB * 0601, Cyse-DAB * 0706, and Cyse-DBB * 0101, Cyse-DBB * 1301 were only found in surviving individuals and may represent alleles that have resistance against V. anguillarum infection. Alleles Cyse-DAB * 0701 and Cyse-DAB * 1301 were significantly more prevalent in dead individuals than in surviving ones and may represent alleles that are associated with increased susceptibility to V. anguillarum infection.
注重对考生能力和素质的考查 ,增加应用性和能力型题目 ,从以知识立意转变为以能力立意 ,这是近年来高考命题的发展趋势 .特别是高考中的综合能力测试 ,强调学科内部的综合和
知识经济初见端倪 ,迫使各国把竞争的焦点 ,放在创新人才的培养上 ,创新教育势在必行。构建适应创新教育要求的基础教育课程教材体系是全面推进素质教育的核心。作为教育改革
In this study, in-situ testing results are given, and the analytical relationship of the vibrations’ amplitudes inside an embankment by the thawing of the subg
一、引言 关于“阅读”的概念已有不少说法 ,都做出了不少有益的探索 ,具有代表性的有 :《中国大百科全书·教育卷》中的定义为 :“阅读是一种从印的或写的语言符号中取得意
在传统的数学课堂教学中 ,教师把自己根据教材、教参、学生实际精心设计编拟的问题逐一展现 ,学生在貌似“启发式”的情境中解决问题、掌握知识 .这种“教师教得舒心 ,学生学
非常高兴能和澹台全鹏、徐洪殿、张春强三位老师一起在本刊发表“一元二次方程”的课例 ,感谢广大读者积极参与“课例大家评” ,尤其感谢安徽省的徐晓兵、范宏业老师 ,江苏省
一、选择题 :本大题共 6小题 ,每小题 5分 ,共30分 .每小题所给的 4个选项中 ,有且仅有一个符合题目要求 .1.已知椭圆的两焦点是F1(0 ,0 ) ,F2 (6 ,0 ) ,点P(6 ,8)在此椭圆上 ,
潘凤湘简历 1926年3月24日(农历)出生于江西省南昌市一个小职员家庭。 1932年秋季进南昌市北坛小学读书。1940年秋季考取南昌私立豫章中学,免费入学。1946年暑假后留校,任该