作文教学历来是“老大难”。在讲究效益的当今时代,怎样改变这种情况呢?我们进行了读写结合、二次作文训练的尝试。一、读前先写。教学十一册第七组课文前,我们先让学生写作文“一个助人为乐的人”。由于是提前之作,作文出现这样三个通病。 1.多数学生的作文中心不明显或不突出。 2.题材雷同。内容多是“同学病了,老师(同学)帮他(她)补课,直到弄懂为止。”“路上遇到老大娘(老大爷、盲人、小孩)送其回家”这两大类。很多是套作,内容是杜撰的。
Composition teaching has always been “chronic”. In today's era of paying attention to efficiency, how can we change this situation? We have tried the combination of reading and writing and the second essay training. First, write before reading. Teaching eleven before the seventh group of texts, we let students write essay “a helpful person.” Because it is in advance for the composition of the three common problems appear. Most students' writing center is not obvious or not prominent. The same theme. The content is mostly “classmates sick, the teacher (classmates) to help him (her) make up classes until you understand.” “The road met the aunt (grandpa, blind, child) to send it home” these two categories. A lot of work is done, the content is fabricated.