
来源 :全国中学优秀作文选 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laokai_zhangzichen
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金平湖,是铺展在浙北平原上的一个金黄的传说。这里盛产驰名中外的平湖西瓜、糟蛋,也走出了著名学者周振甫、书画大师陆维钊、著名作家胡石言等知名人士。平湖中学是浙江省一级重点中学,在抓好课堂教学的同时,注重开展第二课堂活动,注重开设选修课,注重素质能力教育。1992年10月21日,在校领导的直接支持和关心下,由邓中肯老师发起组建成立了当湖文学社。文学社以促进语文教研、培养和发展写作兴趣、提高作文水平为宗旨,开展丰富多采的活动:邀请顾问、作家讲学讲座,实地采风、社会实践调查、组织 Jinping Lake is a golden legend spread on the plains of northern Zhejiang. Here, there are well-known Chinese and foreign Pinghu watermelons, bad eggs, but also out of the well-known scholar Zhou Zhenyao, painting and calligraphy master Lu Weijun, famous writer Hu Shiyan and other famous people. Pinghu Middle School is a key secondary school in Zhejiang Province. While doing a good job of classroom teaching, it focuses on developing the second classroom activity, focusing on the creation of elective courses, and focusing on quality and ability education. On October 21st, 1992, under the direct support and concern of the school leaders, Dang Zhongkan initiated the establishment of the Danghu Literary Club. With the aim of promoting language teaching and research, cultivating and developing the interest in writing, and improving the level of composition, the literary club conducts various activities: inviting consultants and writer lectures, field gatherings, social practice surveys, and organizations.
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暑假我带学生去花果山旅游,购门票时得知:门票每人10元,50人以上的团体票可以八折优待,由于我们一行只有45人。因此,我问学生:应该怎样购买门票花钱最少? During the summe
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文介绍《代数》第三册P78B组第1题的第(4)小题的五种解法.供同学们学习时参考. This article introduces the five solutions to the (4) sub-questions in Question 1 o
有一重点中学,竟有一些学生效仿美国嬉皮士的头发而染成五颜六色。还有身穿“别理我,烦着呢”的文化衫。更有人穿着“kiss me”的文化衫。为什么会出现这一现象呢?这大概是
她是个极平常的人,矮个子,微胖的身材,圆脸,头发花白却梳理得很整齐,身上只是件灰布罩衫,就像张家大婶,李家阿婆那样,六十多岁,极其平常的一个人,但她那双黑白分明的眼 She