Bounding the Inefficiency of the C-Logit Stochastic User Equilibrium Assignment

来源 :Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunning1002
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Compared with standard logit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment model,the C-logit model describes route choice behavior in a more realistic way by considering the overlapping effect between routes.This paper investigates the inefficiency upper bounds of this model against the deterministic system optimum and the C-logit stochastic system optimum in terms of the total network travel time.It is found that the commonality factor of overlapping routes significantly affects the inefficiency bound,besides link congestion degree,total demand and the number of feasible routes.If the commonality factor is not considered,the efficiency loss resulting from selfishly stochastic travel behavior will be to large extent underestimated. Compared with standard logit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment model, the C-logit model describes route choice behavior in a more realistic way by considering the overlapping effect between routes. This paper investigates the ineffective upper bounds of this model against the deterministic system optimum and the C-logit stochastic system optimum in terms of the total network travel time. It is found that the commonality factor of overlapping routes significantly affects the inefficiency bound, besides link congestion degree, total demand and the number of acceptable routes. If the commonality factor is not considered, the efficiency loss caused from selfishly stochastic travel behavior will be to large extent underestimated
低年级语文教学的重点之一是识字。汉字是我国古代文明的一个重要标志。它从简单的图形到今天明朗的线条,虽经历了数千年的演变,但最基本的形态依然保留着。每一个汉字都是一副美丽的画,或田园花草、百兽鱼虫,或高山流水、人物百态,丰富多彩。在教学中,可以依据字理析解汉字,让学生感受汉字的意象美。  意象还原,体会汉字形象之韵  溯源对照构造形象 “溯源”,就是指简明扼要地阐述这些汉字产生、演变的大体过程,一般
Many social events spread fast through the Intemet and arouse wide community discussions.Those on-line public opinions emerge into diverse topics along the time
平时想问题、办事情都避免过犹不及,要适可而止,恰到好处。中学地理课堂教学也同样有“尺度”的学问。笔者认为,要上好地理课,取得好的教学效果,必须在地理教学过程中,处理好相应的几个关系。  关注教学素材的“精准度”  在平时的地理教学中教师常常会选用一些教学素材,如各地的风土民情、地理时事热点、地理小故事、地理趣闻迭事、地理小实验、古诗民歌等,来使地理教学更加形象生动,更具有说服力。但教师在选择教学素