【Abstract】This essay will discover how a participant (Teddy) constructs her family identity of an obedient daughter through the shift in frames by explaining 1). How frames are shifted in the speech event 2). How the participant (Teddy) constructs her ideal identity gradually during the process of intensive frame shifts.
【Key words】Frame analysis; Family discourse
【作者簡介】张岚(1997.03.15- ),女,汉族,宁波诺丁汉大学,英语专业学生。
1. Introduction
Family, as an initial site of everyday discourse and a touchstone for conversation (Kendall, 2007), has provided significantly notable interactions that are valuable for discourse analysis. Frame, which could be defined as ‘what people think they are doing, or what they think is going on, in a situation’ (Agne, 2007, p.551), is not an isolated concept but possesses a wide application in various sociolinguistic studies, especially for family discourse. To discover the characteristics and effects of more intense and concentrated frame shifts in family discourse, this essay extracts data from an episode of an American sitcom. Through the analysis, I will display how a specific interactive transformation shifts the frame and converts participants’ alignments, therefore displaying participant’s appropriate identity in family negotiation.
2. Literature review
2.1 Shift in footing
Frame shifting, as an applicable approach to solve dilemmas in conversation (Goodwin, 1996), has become one of the main concerns of numerous scholars. Goodwin (1996) Goodwin (1996) stated that frame shifting frequently included changes in footing or alignment and she described frame shifting as a process of choosing to ‘initiate talk (or activity) which is not proposed by preceding action or the ongoing activity’ (p. 71).
2.2 Mismatch in schema
Tannen and Wallat (1987) observed that, in a medical setting when a mother’s schema for health and illness could not provide enough predication of her child’s symptoms, the pediatrician’s frame was shifted from examination frame to consultation frame because of the mother’s enquiries. Therefore, they proposed two terms, interactive frames and knowledge schema, to explain the situation of frame shifting. Interactive frame corresponds to Goffman’s frame analysis, referring to ‘what activity is being engaged in, how speakers mean what they say’ (Tannen
【Key words】Frame analysis; Family discourse
【作者簡介】张岚(1997.03.15- ),女,汉族,宁波诺丁汉大学,英语专业学生。
1. Introduction
Family, as an initial site of everyday discourse and a touchstone for conversation (Kendall, 2007), has provided significantly notable interactions that are valuable for discourse analysis. Frame, which could be defined as ‘what people think they are doing, or what they think is going on, in a situation’ (Agne, 2007, p.551), is not an isolated concept but possesses a wide application in various sociolinguistic studies, especially for family discourse. To discover the characteristics and effects of more intense and concentrated frame shifts in family discourse, this essay extracts data from an episode of an American sitcom. Through the analysis, I will display how a specific interactive transformation shifts the frame and converts participants’ alignments, therefore displaying participant’s appropriate identity in family negotiation.
2. Literature review
2.1 Shift in footing
Frame shifting, as an applicable approach to solve dilemmas in conversation (Goodwin, 1996), has become one of the main concerns of numerous scholars. Goodwin (1996) Goodwin (1996) stated that frame shifting frequently included changes in footing or alignment and she described frame shifting as a process of choosing to ‘initiate talk (or activity) which is not proposed by preceding action or the ongoing activity’ (p. 71).
2.2 Mismatch in schema
Tannen and Wallat (1987) observed that, in a medical setting when a mother’s schema for health and illness could not provide enough predication of her child’s symptoms, the pediatrician’s frame was shifted from examination frame to consultation frame because of the mother’s enquiries. Therefore, they proposed two terms, interactive frames and knowledge schema, to explain the situation of frame shifting. Interactive frame corresponds to Goffman’s frame analysis, referring to ‘what activity is being engaged in, how speakers mean what they say’ (Tannen