A method for determining the impurity concentration of HL-1 devices by using vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy is described, and the impurity transport model SITCODE for explaining spectrometry is reported in detail. The model can calculate the density distribution of each ionized impurity and the energy loss in the form of ionization, bremsstrahlung and excitation caused by impurities. The model is a one-dimensional impurity transport model combining neoclassical and anomalous transport. Obtained the oxygen concentration and estimated the radiant power caused by the oxygen impurity, compared with the radial distribution of the oxygen ion density at different electron temperatures and different anomalous diffusion coefficients. Based on SITCODE, a rapid method for the analysis of impurity concentration has been developed using the measured O VI of 103.2 nm after each discharge. Line intensity can be calculated oxygen concentration, real-time analysis of impurity concentration. The impurity concentration of HL-1 tokamak under different discharge conditions was measured, and the impurity transport was studied.