Treatment of Dissection at the Ophthalmic Segment of Internal Carotid Artery

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Objective Intracranial internal carotid artery dissection is a rare case. The purpose of this study was to report the treatment of intracranial internal carotid dissection and the radiologic and clinical result.Material And Method A 67 year-old female patient admitted for lower leg fracture at the outside university hospital. After 6 days later, she presented with left hemiparesis, verbal disturbance and visual disturbance. She transferred to our hospital and evaluated with MRI and Angiography. Angiography show stenosis with ulceration and pseudoaneurysm at the internal carotid artery. The stenosis rate was 63%. At the lesion, ophthalmic artery was poor visualized. Results The intracranial lesion was treated with angioplasty and stenting. After stenting, angiography showed good ophthalmic artery flow. Patients improved visual acuity just after stenting. Conclusions Intracranial angioplasty and stenting will be a good treatment option in a highly selected case. Objective Into this carotis artery dissection is a rare case. The purpose of this study was to report the treatment of intracranial internal carotid dissection and the radiologic and clinical result. Mater And Method A 67 year-old female patient admitted for lower leg fracture at the outside university hospital. After 6 days later, she presented with left hemiparesis, verbal disturbance and visual disturbance. She transferred to our hospital and as with MRI and Angiography. Angiography show stenosis with ulceration and pseudoaneurysm at the internal carotid artery. The stenosis rate was 63%. At the lesion, ophthalmic artery was poor visualized. Results The intracranial lesion was treated with angioplasty and stenting. After stenting, angiography showed good ophthalmic artery flow. Patients improved visual acuity just after stenting. Conclusions Intracranial angioplasty and stenting will be a good treatment option in a highly selected case.
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