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八一南昌起义的胜利,开创了中国共产党独立领导革命武装斗争的新阶段。讲到南昌起义必然要讲周恩来。时过境迁,80年前的闪光短暂一瞬, 80年来的军史写满辉煌,作为南昌起义前敌委员会书记的周恩来,当之无愧地成为中国人民武装力量的创始人。当大革命处于失败的危难关头,年仅30岁的周恩来何以能够振臂高呼,万众响应,一举夺取起义的胜利?回顾80年前中国特定的时局背景,在那革命危 The victory of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising has created a new phase in which the Chinese Communist Party will independently lead the revolutionary armed struggle. Speaking of Nanchang Uprising necessarily related to Zhou Enlai. As the passage of time, the flash of light 80 years ago was a brief flash and the military history of the past 80 years was full of splendor. As the former chairman of the Nanchang Uprising, Zhou Enlai deservedly became the founder of the Chinese People’s Armed Forces. When the Great Revolution was at a critical juncture in its failure, how could Zhou Enlai, 30, be able to crush and respond with all his might to win the victory of the uprising? Recalling China’s specific historical background 80 years ago,
太钢解放    我于1927年生于山西省文水县,自幼入家塾熟读古典文学,后在山西工业学校学习机械电气专科。1948年初,我考入太原钢铁厂当练习员,半年后西北实业公司精简,我们十个练习员都被裁为工人。我成了一号高炉的炉前工。  解放前两年,太钢工人忍着饥饿维持着太钢的生产。工厂不给职工发工资,一度时期是发米麦,后来粮食紧张了,便发纺织厂积压的背心、毛巾、床单、袜子、布匹等物品以顶替工资。工人们饿得不
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解放思想,就要冲破一切有形与无形的桎梏,包括文化的桎梏,这就必须对我们置身其间的云南文化进行审视,尤其要分析其中的制约性因素,因此有必要剖析云南文化的多面影响。    一、立体气候下的坝子文化    云南人把高原山地之上的小盆地称为“坝子”。云南省面积39万平方千米,94%以上是山地。山地即是道路崎岖,沟通不便,亦即沟通不灵,思想养料不足。山隔箐阻,就使云南文化中往往多了信息的隔绝性。即使在现代信