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元素化合物知识是中学重要的基础知识,也是高考考查的重点内容。学生在复习时总感到内容庞杂,头绪繁多,不易记忆。近两年的高考试题中又注意考查元素知识与理论,概念实验,计算的结合,加强了试题的综合性和思维的深度。怎样才能强化知识的理解和记忆,做到应用时得心应手呢?我们提出以下几点建议:一、自己动手,将元素化合物知识组成点一线一面相互贯通,纵横联系的网络,在比较中掌握知识在复习课本的基础上,应以每一族元素为一单元,以每族的典型元素为重点,抓住其不同价态的单质及其化合物的相互转化关系这条主线,将知识统摄整理,编织一张属于自己的知识结构和网络,依靠知识结构去比较掌握典型代表物的典型性质。在复习时注意落实四种关系:(1)位、构、性的关系;(2)应用关系:即物质的结构、性质、制法、用途的关系;(3)同种元素各物 Elemental compound knowledge is an important basic knowledge of middle school, and it is also a key content of the college entrance examination. When reviewing, students always feel that the content is complex, many threads and difficult to memorize. In the past two years of high test questions, the combination of elemental knowledge and theory, conceptual experiments, and calculations has been examined to strengthen the comprehensiveness of the questions and the depth of thinking. How can we strengthen the understanding and memory of knowledge and apply it handily? We put forward the following suggestions: First, do it yourself, combine the knowledge of elemental compounds in a one-line, one-on-one, vertical and horizontal connection network, and master knowledge in comparison. On the basis of reviewing textbooks, we should use the elements of each group as a unit and focus on the typical elements of each family. We must seize the main line of the relationship between the valence states of their individual valences and their mutual transformation of compounds. Zhang belongs to his own knowledge structure and network, relying on knowledge structure to master the typical nature of the typical representative. In reviewing, pay attention to the implementation of the four relationships: (1) the relationship between position, structure, and sex; (2) application relationship: the relationship between the structure, nature, method, and use of the material; (3) all elements of the same element
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刚到斯坦佛念书时,发现教室的设计很特别:剧场式阶梯、马蹄型桌子,坐下来,看到桌上有一条长长的细缝。白蚁蛀的吗?怎么可能这么整齐。“这是插名牌的。”同学告诉我。  注册时,教务处发给你一张横式长方形厚纸卡,上面写着“王文华”三个字。上课时你要把名牌插进细缝,好让老师看清楚你的名字,方便点你发言。阶梯式教室、马蹄型桌子,都是为了让老师同学看到彼此,讨论时容易产生火花。  学期中我把学校发给我的名牌搞掉