How to correct students’ composition is an important issue related to improving the efficiency of composition teaching. On this issue, Comrade Ye Shengtao, a veteran educator, provided us with an example of learning by using his twelve juvenile assignments. Followed by good judgments and fine criticisms for literary corrections must follow a basic principle of teaching: the use of heuristics. Ye Lao’s commentary implements this principle in many aspects. He attaches great importance to educating students in their comments on “writing first as a person.” The book “Huo Lao Tou” written by Liang Zhong, a classmate of Beijing, describes the Huo Lao-tou of Guantu Station. He stipulates that the soil is poured out on a single day, the two-day ash is poured, the principle is upheld, and the story of Liang Zhong is taught. Ye Lao’s comment: "This one can say that Huo Lao-tou was alive, and it made people feel as though they had seen this old man.