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目的 探讨海洛因烟雾吸入所致的海绵状脑病的CT、MRI征象 ,提高对该病的认识和诊断水平。方法 对 4例加热吸食海洛因烟雾的患者进行颅脑CT或MR平扫和增强 ,MRI常规行SE序列平扫、增强 ,以及液体衰减反转恢复序列 (FLAIR)、磁共振波谱 (MRS)检查。结果  2例CT扫描的病例表现为双侧小脑半球、脑干、内囊后肢、大脑脚、胼胝体压部、大脑后部脑白质对称性低密度灶 ,无强化。 2例MRI检查的病例也表现为相应区域长T1、长T2 信号 ,无强化。FLAIR像呈高信号 ,小脑病变较大脑明显 ,顶枕叶病变较额叶显著 ,MRS显示脑白质变性 ,乳酸升高。结论 该病的CT及MRI表现较具特征性 ,结合病史 ,可作出诊断。 Objective To investigate the CT and MRI signs of spongiform encephalopathy caused by inhalation of heroin smoke and to improve the level of understanding and diagnosis of the disease. Methods Four patients with heroin smoke heating were scanned and enhanced by CT or MR. The patients were routinely scanned and enhanced by SE sequence, FLAIR and MRS. Results Two cases of CT scan showed bilateral symmetrical low density lesion of bilateral cerebellar hemispheres, brainstem, internal capsule hind limbs, cerebral peduncle, corpus callosum and posterior cerebral white matter with no enhancement. Two cases of MRI examination also showed the corresponding region of long T1, long T2 signal, no enhancement. FLAIR showed a high signal, cerebellar lesions than the obvious brain, top occipital lobe lesions than the frontal significant, MRS showed white matter degeneration, increased lactate. Conclusion The CT and MRI manifestations of the disease more characteristic, combined with medical history, can make a diagnosis.
乾隆年间,杭世骏官至御史,级别是省部级。  可是,就是这样一个省部级的干部,未曾想收起了破烂。  杭世骏爱钱,人们都说他有钱癖。朋友去他家看他,喊很久喊不出来——他在屋子里抚摸钱呢。好不容易唤出他来,却见他两只手沾满了铜绿。  他开了一家民办大学,每次发了工资,他都要把钱一铜板一铜板地穿起来,放到枕头底下。刚放到枕头底下,又要把钱掏出来,用手摸一番;再放进去,再掏出来,再摸一番,如是往復。  他除
[关键词]建构主义理论,教学理念,试题命制,新课程理念  [中图分类号]G63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457-6241(2008)15-0045-02    2008年全国文综卷I历史选择题都用新材料、新话题和新图像命制新情境试题,第13至21题或直接利用材料,或转述材料,或镶嵌材料;第12、23题利用史学话题陈述;第22题利用图像。这种现象在2006年以前是比较少见的。实际上其他自主命