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  When my dog drinks from her bowl, there is no question that water will end up on the floor. It seems that my dog is not good at drinking water neatly.
  Researchers at Virginia Tech University have been studying how dogs drink. They say dogs know exactly what they are doing. The animals are actually making precise movements at a high speed. This helps them get the fluid they need when they are thirsty.
  It turns out that neither dogs, nor cats, have a full set of cheeks. This means they cannot create suction to drink, like humans, elephants or horses.
  Dogs take up the water with their tongues curled backward. They move their tongues very quickly to build up momentum1. That forces the water into a column2 and up into their mouths.
  The Virginia Tech University’s researchers filmed 19 dogs of different sizes and breeds as they drank water. They created different laboratory models to measure tongue motion, and the amounts of water taken in.
  Using the data from these experiments, the researchers were able to make a model that shows how a dog drinks water.
  The researchers said that since the mouths of dogs and cats are structured nearly the same way, they thought they would drink water the same way. But here is a surprise. The studies showed each family of animals has its own special drinking method.
  “We know cats and dogs are quite different in terms of behavior and character. But before we did the studies of how these animals drink fluids, our guess was that dogs and cats drink about the same way. Instead we found out that dogs drink quite differently than cats.”
  What is the difference? Dogs must quickly move their tongues down into the water using momentum to bring the water up and into their mouths. Cats don’t bend their tongues to drink like dogs. Cats use less momentum and a more gentle action. They just skim3, or barely touch the surface of the water to drink it.
  Cats tend be viewed as neater, dogs are messier, but dogs really have to accelerate4 their tongues to make good use of the way the fluid column works.
  1. momentum [] n. 势头;动力;动量;要素;契机
  2. column [] n. 专栏;圆柱;纵队;列
  3. skim [] v. 略读;撇去;使掠过
  4. accelerate [] vt. 促进;(使)加快;加速,催促
  vi. 加快,加速
众所周知,无论高考对英语的测试怎么改革,都不是对英语的弱化,反而让英语变得越来越重要。英语课堂需要走出沉闷的气氛,彻底激发学生学习兴趣,让英语课堂真正 “活”起来。  英语作为一种常用的交际语言,我们在教学中应遵循学生学习英语的心理规律,努力让学生学得轻松、学得主动、学以致用。这就要求在课堂教学中采用灵活多样的教学形式,充分发挥多媒体优势,活跃课堂气氛,增加课堂的趣味性。从而让学生在一种轻松愉悦的
There are a lot of mountains in my hometown. My family live in the mountains. I do not like the city. There are too many people and it is too noisy around. And the air is much fresher in the mountains
<正>1.Labrador Retriever~2拉布拉多猎犬The Labrador Retriever is a gentle,outgoing and friendly breed.It was bred originally~3as a hunting dog.Yet it can go from
1. 前言  随着社会科学技术的发展,信息技术已经融入到人们日常生活学习等多方面。信息化时代,中学英语教学也发生了很大的变化,一方面传统的英语教学模式受到了冲击,另一方面,如何有效合理的利用信息技术,充分提高中学课堂教学效率也是英语教师需要思考的问题。英语听说能力是学生进行英语交流必须具备的基本能力,同时,新课程教学改革中也将加强学生的听力训练,提高学生口语表达能力作为重要教学目标。在中学英语教学
书面表达是高中英语教学和测试的重要部分,但是高中生的表达能力现状却不容乐观,从考场作文反馈的基本情况来看,诸如句子错误较多、材料罗列而缺少思路、句子结构简单、高级词汇及句型少等问题屡见不鲜。究其原因,无外乎学生阅读量少,在教学中实际操练较少,没有掌握一定的写作方法,思想不成熟。  1. 以课本为抓手,做好阅读与仿写  工欲善其事,必先利其器。我以为,对高中生,要想写出好文章,首先必须先教给他们写作