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《国家重点基础研究发展规划》项目是1997年3月全国人大会议期间由科技界的人大代表和政协委员建议,经国务院批准,由科技部组织实施的研究项目,简称《973》项目。项目研究期限一般为5年,资助强度一般在2千万元以上,总投入25亿元。《规划》项目是对国家的发展和科学技术的进步具有全局性和带动性,需要国家大力组织和开展的重大基础性研究项目。鼓励优秀科学家和研究集体面向我国未来经济建设和科学技术发展的需要,围绕农业、能源、信息、资源环境、人口和健康、材料等领域,瞄准科学前沿和重大科学问题,开展多学科综合研究和学科交叉研究,提供解决重大关键问题的理论依据和形成未来重大新技术的科学基础。《规划》的实施,对振奋我国科技界的创新精神,增强基础研究工作者攀登高峰的信心,促进我国基础科学的发展,提高我国科学技术的整体水平具有十分重大的意义。以下是材料领域1998年度(前3项)和1999年度(后6项)批准立项的项目简介。 The “National Key Basic Research Development Plan” project was proposed by the NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members during the National People’s Congress in March 1997 and approved by the State Council. The research project organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, referred to as “973” for short. The duration of the project study is generally 5 years. The funding intensity is generally above 20 million yuan, with a total investment of 2.5 billion yuan. The “planning” project is a major and basic research project that is global and leading to the development of a country and the progress of science and technology and requires the state to organize and carry out it. Encouraging outstanding scientists and research groups to face the needs of our country’s future economic development and the development of science and technology, aiming at the frontiers of science and major scientific issues in areas such as agriculture, energy, information, resources and environment, population and health, and materials, conducting multidisciplinary comprehensive research and Interdisciplinary research provides the theoretical basis for addressing key critical issues and the scientific basis for shaping major new technologies for the future. The implementation of the “plan” is of great significance to boosting the innovative spirit of the scientific and technological community in our country, enhancing the confidence of basic research workers in climbing the peak, promoting the development of basic science in our country and raising the overall level of science and technology in our country. The following is the material field in 1998 (the first three) and 1999 (after six) approved the project profile.
【考情分析】  区域性是地理学科的两大基本特征之一,所以,无论自然地理还是人文地理,常常从区域定位入手,然后再分析、推理其他地理特征。如果区域定位错误,则后面的解答往往“张冠李戴”。因此,区域定位成为跨越高考的第一道门槛。下面我们介绍几种常见的区域定位方法。  【方法点拨】  一、大范围的区域定位——几种半球的定位  1. 南北半球的定位  (1)依据地球的自转方向判断:在极点俯视图中,逆时针旋转
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